Chapter 72

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Monday. Evening.

The master bedroom.

"So that's why you were a no show for most of Saturday evening?" Bridget asked as I painted her nails, silver with a fleck of glitter in each stroke.

"More or less, it's just hard. I hurt him, and I just feel awful. I can't keep going on about it though, it'll drive him mad." I uttered, she looked up at me.

"I would stroke your hair and comfort you but the nails." Bridge teased, I shrugged, undeserving.

"Are you you know, still together?" Jane asked, looking up from her phone.

"He says we are." I replied.

"Do you feel like you are?" Jane asked, looking back at her phone.

"Most of me does. Can we just not talk about it?" I requested, they nodded.

"What shades of varnish do I have to choose from?" Jane asked, I smiled looking over at her.

"Lemon soda, tranquil teal or racy red?" I replied.

"Racy red please, I feel daring tonight."

"Trying to woo Tom are we? One wedding at a time ladies" Bridget uttered, naturally Jane blushed.

"Self-Care actually Bridget, we aren't all dying to get down the aisle."


Leaving Bridge and Jane to discuss the next Summer's trip to Wimbledon, I headed to the kitchen for a moment alone with Merlin; he'd been curled up in Bens pyjamas for the last hour, having pined for him for at least an hour before letting for a nap.


Standing on the patio with Merlin, we overlooked the garden as I sipped my hot chocolate. Fireflies danced and danced through the dark and twirling vines from the trees and shrubs that made the garden their home, their warm glow illuminated everything. It was beautiful.

Leaning over the balcony I spoke to Merlin, busy wandering around the garden, his button nose in everything he could see. "Why did I have to open my big mouth and just let stupid words fall out without thinking? You're so kind, funny, witty, loving, a true gentleman, and have the patience of a saint. I know my head's a bit messed up right now, and I know I need more help and I know that I'll get better. I just...I don't know. I don't want perfect, I just want normal, a normal life with Merlin in our own little bubble again."


"Thank you."

"You heard what I said?" I asked turning to face Ben, he stood at the French doors, a shadow amongst the dimmed glow shone through the kitchen.

"Every...single...word." he said coming towards me, his arms coming over my shoulders.

"I really am sorry Benedict, I um. I don't know where my mind was. I'm so sorry, I'm really really really sorry, I'm sorry Ben." I mumbled looking down at the space between us, he released my shoulders, pulling my hands into his before speaking.

"I understand. Just stop apologising. Everything that's happened has happened, we can't keep going around in circles."

"I know, I understand."

"Did you really think we were over?" he asked, disappointed.

"Sort of. I just felt empty, and sick, like something was missing. I know that's so cliché but I really did."

"I remember feeling the same, but you, we can't stay that way. There are more important things to think about, we have to move forward petal."

I faintly nodded, a warmth resting on my cheeks. "I know, like what toys to get Merlin and the kids for Christmas." I uttered, his snort faint.

"I'll speak with my accountant before I think about the kids, there's far too many of them!"

"It's better to have a little one to spoil in some capacity than to have none surely?" I quietly asked looking up at him, the corner of his mouth twitched in a smile.

"Of course, I'll be more excited when it's our turn. Let's just think about more important things for now, about us."


"I should get back to Bridget and Jane, they're going to think I fell asleep on the kitchen floor or something. Did you even go out? The boys said they wouldn't be back until the early morning."

"I went out for a while with them, took a quiet walk and decided to come back. I didn't feel good." he quietly said.

"Was it something you ate?" I asked.

"No. I didn't feel good because...because I didn't have you. All I could think about was just saying something to you...anything to clear the tension and confusion of the last day or so. I only came down for a glass of water and I heard you talking to yourself out here."

"I see, it's hard isn't it?" I asked sitting with him at the loveseat, Merlin resting by my feet.

"It is, but we're getting there. I take it you really ought to get back to Bridge and Jane?"

"Yeah, I don't want them to think I've fallen asleep down here." I stood up, stretching my arms over my head, Ben's hands forgivingly resting on my hips.

"Could I just have a hug first if that's okay?" he mumbled, I pulled him into me, we stayed like that for a while.


"Mind if I see you to your room? They won't even hear me."

"Sure, I'd like that. Merlin, come." I contentedly said before sliding the French doors shut behind us.


Quietly making our way upstairs Ben stopped me by the room door. "I feel like such a teenager whispering like this." he murmured, a familiar feeling resting in the pit of my stomach.

"Me too, but thank you" I quietly added.

"For what?"

"For being there and hearing everything I said, I wanted you to hear it but didn't think I'd get to tell you. And for just being you really, despite everything, we're alright."

"Of course. Remember I did say a long time ago this frankly amazing thing we have hasn't got an expiration date." he faintly said pointing at himself and myself.

"Night Ben."

"Night Rosie."

My palm snaked around the door handle I felt Ben's cheek press against mine for a moment before taking Merlin and heading down the hall.


"My God, where were you?!" Bridget asked.

"You flatter me Bridge but I'm not a God, just human most of the time."

"You look very happy Rosie; sure you didn't have just more than a hot chocolate?" Jane asked.

"Just hot chocolate, I was outside thinking and lost track of the time." I said and she nodded, Bridget busied herself finding something to play on Netflix, 'How to Be Single' seemed to be her choice.

"You saw Ben didn't you?" Jane whispered.


"I'll take that as a yes then, it's written all over your face, you've got that 'I love my boyfriend and I just remembered he's the best thing to happen to me.' blush to your cheeks."

I didn't say anything but she was right.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora