December 25th

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In typical fashion this isn't a chapter >< but I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas or Cumbermas, Hiddlesmas, Fassmas, Thormas or whatever mystical being you love at this time of year. 

Whatever you're doing I hope you all have a lovely day, with your friends, family, four legged friends if you have any and a wonderful time; if you're not having the best day I do hope you find just a minute or two to find a place of calm, breathe for a while and feel better, this isn't always the easiest of holidays for the more axiety prown amongst us. 

Lots and lots of hugs and love for you all from the green isle,

Bernie X

*PS: I'm going to try and get the next chapter done before new years so forgive me for my lateness! x

**PPS: My dad is wearing a bear onesie and he has to keep it on mwahahaha.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora