Chapter 4 *Bens POV*

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I decided to take Merlin for a walk on my own to clear my head and to gain some perspective on today. I thought to myself as Merlin walked calmly at my side. "Good boy" I said and he wagged his tail, god I l love him, he's pretty amazing to say the least and I'm glad Rosie trusts me enough with him that I can have time like this with him on my own. 

"I still don't get it though, why did those people have to say those things Merlin?" I asked him as we walked down the street. I probably look like a crazy person talking to a Labrador like he's a human but right now I don't give a damn, I like talking to him even if he can't talk back, he's like a best friend to me.

"I don't belong to that random person who said I did, I don't know them, and I'm with Rosie who I love more than anything in the world, I don't want anyone else, I don't need anyone else. It's awful to say that she would use pregnancy to trap me. Why would they say that? Obviously the world knows how much I want to be a dad one day  in a few years maybe when we're both ready but we're very careful, she would never do that. Most people wouldn't, and well for those that do I feel sorry for them." I sighed

"Yes Rosie is younger than me, but we've known each other nearly 9 years and have been dating about half that time, her age isn't what I was attracted to when I met her, it's just a number. I never thought about her in a romantic way when I met her as she was merely a friend of a friend back then and I was in a relationship, as was she. A few years later however, and as they say 'all the rest is history'. She's beautiful inside and out, she's everything to me. This is just between you and me for now Merlin but I want to go all the way with her. I want to propose sometime, I'm not sure when or where, maybe in Paris or something, she loves France. It's sounds so cliché but I don't care.

It'd be something small and quiet, not a big and elaborate proposal. Not now though, maybe in 6 months, a year, or something. I want her to be my wife one day. I feel more comfortable with her than anyone else, I can't see a future without her there." I said running my hand through my hair and Merlin wagged his tail some more which made me smile a little.

I thought to myself about how funny and smart and awesome she is, how she never fails to make you laugh, she's just brilliant. I'm happier than I've ever been since we got together, I mean I've always been happy but she just. I can't explain it, makes life better. She has this effect on people, she has a good heart.

I let Merlin off his leash as he walked a few paces ahead of me, I can't get over just how well trained he is, then again he's always with Rosie, she's his Wolfpack and quite the disciplinarian with him when she has to be. It's all for his own good, she wants the best for him, he needs structure. 

"What the actual FUCK was that bullshit about her wanting my money?!" I said rather loudly and Merlin looked over at me, luckily for me I was walking through a fairly empty part of Hampstead Heath. "She's not a gold digger, never has been, most people aren't no matter what their financial circumstances are. She earns her own money, has her own things and works her arse off for what she has, she's never turned down a job with a client no matter how small it was, or how little it paid compared to the hours she'd have to put in; I know that because sometimes I'll head to the kitchen for a glass of water and she'll still be up at 4AM, on the brink of tears in her pyjamas trying to get work done because she doesn't want to let anyone down.  

She doesn't care about my money, it's safe to say she couldn't give two flying fucks about what's in my wallet; we look after each other but she's fiercely financially independent, always has been, sometimes it can be annoying when I just want to pay for things but for the most part I don't mind. She's the complete opposite of a goldigger. We don't really discuss our paychecks because right now we don't need to, it's not like we have a house or kids together or anything but I know she um, well. Has a lot.

I know she prefers not to talk about money for conversations sake because she hates the idea of being seen differently by people. She's not motivated by money, and never has been but she's really a lot wealthier than people would imagine, she comes from a long line of extremely hard working millionaires. You wouldn't think it when you met her or her family because like them, she's so damn down to earth. 

You don't grow up in a house like her parents', take annual ski trips with your extended family to Switzerland every year and stay in the biggest chalet I've ever seen hidden in rural Verbier (I've been on a few trips, her whole family are lovely and that house has been in the family for generations, it's not some outrageously lavish abode), or have yourself and your four brothers put through multiple preparatory and boarding schools without your parents receiving any financial aid unless you're really making serious money, I'm sure it cost her parents millions. They're all really normal, extremely polite, well educated and nice, not like the annoying, capitalism worshipping brats you see on reality TV shows, parading their trust funds on Instagram, not doing much else with their lives apart from seeking fame and popularity.

She has nice things and has had brilliant experiences because her mother always says if you can invest in your children's education and help them make memories for a lifetime and give them a loving and comfortable start in life then you should. She doesn't wear her wealth on her sleeve and never has, it doesn't define her, it's one of the many things I love about her." I said, looking down at my watch. I better get home soon I thought to myself. 

"I don't get it Merlin, I really don't." I sighed. "I don't expect the world to love her because of me but they could at least keep their comments above the belt. These things they say are so untrue it's ridiculous. How can you be my fan if you're going to throw pure hatred at one of the most important people in my life, who makes me happy? When people see me smile when I'm out and about on my own sometimes it's because she's put that smile on my face, just thinking about her makes me happy. It hurts me just as much as it hurts her when people say those things. I know she's brushing it off but I can tell it hurts her more than she's letting on, she's been in the firing line of harsh words by people for years. It must get to her, I know it must. I don't care if people don't like her, they don't have to, that's not what I'm saying.

I understand that they can have an opinion, they don't know her personally, so how could they possibly want to adore her as much as I do? It's the way people have gone about not liking her which is the problem. She's never had a problem with my fans, even when we're out enjoying some time together over lunch or something, she'll see someone who might want to say hi and say 'Ben, that lovely person over there seems to want to say hi, ask them if they want to come over'.

If Rosie was a complete bitch she'd never even entertain the idea of being nice to my fans but she always is, even though she has to take so much crap from people who know very little about her apart from the fact she's with me." I said, continuing to make my way around the expansive grasses for another 40 minutes or so, and playing a few games with Merlin.  

I hope those comments don't turn into something more sinister, I thought to myself.

Some people will do anything to eliminate what they see as a problem. I stopped thinking about the thought of that as it scared me too much. I attached Merlin's leash and left Hampstead Heath, making my way home.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora