Chapter 31

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Tuesday Afternoon. The Garden.

"Do you want to sit on the patio or in the alcove round the back?" I asked as we got to the garden, Mrs Hudson was playing 'razzle' with Merlin. It's like a wave of the hands game, he loves it.

"Um, round the back would be better, I'd rather not be overheard, it's not something I'd want Mrs H to hear." he quietly said, his whole demeanour changed. He wasn't being himself.

I was worried now.

Round the back of the expansive garden was a small alcove, entered through a small archway, it was like a little quiet space when you want some alone time, surrounded by shrubs and honeysuckles, it looks amazing at night when the fairy lights are on, another reason to love home I guess. I smiled to myself for a moment before drawing my attention back to Ben, sitting on the outdoor sofa next to him, my hands lightly cupped together.

He cleared his throat.

"Ben, you're um, you're sort of worrying me now, is it okay if you tell me what's going on?" I asked, he was so distracted I wasn't sure if he was going to talk.

"Um, yes, just well look" he quietly said, turning to face me, I turned inward somewhat to face him a little.


"Just...just don't get angry or disappointed. Or view me differently. Please"

"But Be-" I almost said

"Rosalind, please. I wouldn't ask you to do that unless I really needed to. Okay?"

"Okay. I promise I won't get any of those things- just tell me what's happening. Please, are you alright?"



"You know, this morning you said you could throttle them? The bad people I mean" he asked and I nodded, still not sure of what he was going on.


"Well, um when Percy said we "went to work", I mean we really did. We basically beat the crap out of them a few times, seriously the state they were in when we were done, I'm not even joking when I say we made sure that they'd feel it." he sighed, looking into his lap, playing with his fingers, he just looked so defeated and tired, he doesn't deserve to feel that way.

"Ben, could you um. Could you continue please" I quietly added, gently cupping his cheek and gently stroking along his cheekbone with my thumb for a moment, trying to remain calm even though I felt a tight feeling in my chest; I could see he was hurting inside and that's exactly what I don't want.

I don't want him to feel like this. Not anymore. It's not fair on him.

I just, I just want him to feel better. Not for a few hours, or a day, but just like normal.

He looked up at me and faintly nodded.

"We got tired so took a break and came back, we weren't just throwing our fists around but we were talking you know? Actually telling them the mess they've made, the lives they nearly and in some ways did ruin and for what?

For the sake of infatuation?

If they even think to say anything we'll know and we'll be paying them another visit. We made damn sure they knew that we're always going to be watching them; I mean you've seen the size of Percy and we all know how strong he is, my god if he got tired giving them a lesson you know he wasn't even taking it lightly" he quietly said and I just took it all in for a moment.

I had no idea, Percy's seemed alright, he seemed um-. I scratched my head for a moment.

He seemed okay, I guess he wasn't, who actually is okay?

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora