Chapter 16

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AN: This chapter is less 'high octane' and more emotionally centered. I'm not sure if it went on for too long though, I hope you enjoy it! Thank you very very much for all the reads and votes too :0)

Voices. I can hear voices. I don't know what they're saying, it's just muffled noise. I must be dreaming, I'm at the bottom of a dark well. I need to climb. I need to get out.

Chanting begins. It gets clearer.

I hear 'Deshi deshi basara basara!' chanted over and over again, willing me on. It's Moroccan Arabic for 'he rises'. I climb, I fall, I find a rhythm. I keep going. Something in me tells me to live.

Live Rosalind.



I suddenly felt my eyes burst open, my body went forward as my chest rose. It felt like I was breathing for the first time after being underwater. Suddenly I felt two arms holding me down to a bed, I fought back, I fought back as hard as I could, kicking and screaming as loud as I could. Something sharp went in my arm and I was out again.

A while later...




I know that sound, it's an ECG machine, used to monitor the heart of a patient. I've seen my mum use them loads of times when I was younger. I would stay with her for the day when she was teaching new residents at the hospital, well when I was home from boarding school. She's a cardiologist.



"MUM!!" I called out, opening my eyes. I rubbed them and I could suddenly see a room with a lonely blurry figure in the room that came running towards me. "I'm here Rosie, I never left. I'm here darling." she said hugging me. I pressed my nose against her neck and began to cry.

"It's okay, you're safe, you're safe. No one can hurt you now pumpkin. You're okay, shh it's okay, you're okay." she said over and over again, stroking my head, softly rocking me for a few minutes.

About 10 minutes of muffled sobbing later...

"Wh-, where are we?" I asked, catching my breath and trying to ignore a shooting pain in my stomach.

"St. Thomas' hospital, Westminster, you were rushed to Maidstone hospital the night they found you, transferred here the next day and have been here since." she replied, putting my glasses on me, I could see a pram in the corner but thought I'd ask about it later. God everything is so sore.

"Something was holding me down, was I dreaming?" I asked as she propped some pillows up behind me. I felt like I had a lot of questions to ask.

"You were asleep yes, but you were being held back because you were screaming, and fighting back as if you were playing rugby with your brothers which seems to have made your ankle worse. You were in agony, crying out for someone, anyone to save you. were in so much pain th-...they had to restrain you and give you another morphine injection and you had to be anaesthetised again." her voice broke as she wiped her eyes. I sighed, I don't want her to cry, I don't want her to feel sad anymore it's not fair on her.

A few minutes passed.

"What day is it?" I asked.

"Friday, darling, it's about 2PM" she replied, slightly more composed.

"Have I been asleep for four days?"

"Actually you've been in an induced coma for 6 days, you've been here for 12 days though, you were on a Parenteral nutrition tube till this morning but you've still lost quite a bit of weight which isn't great given that you were slim enough beforehand, once you start eating and exercising normally again you should start to see some improvement and regain some muscle tone" she was in her doctor voice now but still, a worried look made it's way on her face.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora