Chapter 34, Part 1

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AN: The song for this chapter is 'You make it real' by James Morrison.

I'll be leaving songs in where I don't have/ don't need the words to add to what I want a chapter to convey. My author's notes are going to be more sparse now as we move forward because I just want you to enjoy the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it without too many notes.

Thank you for reading as always, this chapter's a bit of a whopper but I've had  a lot of coffee this weekend to get it done. *exits stage left*...

Friday. Morning. Bed. 


“What?” I asked, rubbing my eyes, having gone back to sleep for a while.            

“Why are you so endearing when you wake up?”

“I dunno, why are you so endearing when you wake up?”

“It’s a nice change waking up next to you more often than not these days I suppose, you?” he asked through a yawn.

“I dunno, maybe something makes me happy before I sleep?”

“Like what?” Ben asked, staring at the ceiling, fingers spread out, sunlight flooding through each gap the way paint sinks into every fiber of its final home, the canvas.

“The thought of you not waking me up with your snoring!” I giggled, rolling over on my side to face him.

“Such an arse, I was being all nice and lovely then you come out with that!”

“Poor thing, would you like me to call your mummy to come and make you feel better?” I teased, waving my fingers in his face, him batting them away like a baby playing with a mobile.

“That’d be great actually, she’s a lot nicer than you”

“Meany” I huffed, poking him in the side.

“Well you’re not too bad most of the time, is that alright?” he asked, looking over at me for a moment.

“Sure, I haven’t got it in me to pretend to be moody with you all morning. Any who.”

“Any who?” he asked.

“Benedict. I have a very serious question to ask. A really realy grown up question.”

“Rosalind, are going to make an honest man of me? Gosh I’m so flustered, I thought you’d have got down on one knee on Valentine’s day in a crowded, overpriced but under feeding restaurant, a little ring fizzing in a glass of awful champagne that was left out with the cork off too long, something like that, really unpredictable” he blurted it out so quickly all I could do was hold my stomach laughing.

“Oh Ben, I’m sorry to disappoint you but that’s without doubt not the question I had in mind” I quietly uttered, feigning seriousness.

“Well, what am I going to do with all those Pinterest boards I made! I had plans Rosie! Pastel coloured, Mason jar filled plans!”

“Well, maybe Bridget would appreciate that idea. You two have a lovely evening of wedding stuff, Marc and me will go out and do literally anything more interesting?” I smiled, adjusting my pillows.

“Oh, you’re still traumatised from your Pinterest behavioral study aren’t you?” he asked, a look on his face that showed some pretend sympathy, a faint laugh escaping my mouth.

“Well yes, a year examining the user experience of 20,000 users on a day to day basis and writing a research paper on it would put you off after the initial excitement wears off when the stress piles up. To say I felt like I bit off more than I could chew was an understatement, I didn’t want to look at another textbook or spreadsheet for weeks after that but knowing my line of work that’s impossible.”

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora