Chapter 56

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AN: Sights – London Grammar.

Wednesday evening.

Abramowitz offices. Richmond.

"Where's the dress you were talking about?"

"In my tote bag Phoebe, I mentioned it earlier." I mumbled typing away, glancing down at a few notes scribbled from 'How special structures replace computational effort', a few more lines and I'd be done with this book at least.

"Personal question but..."

"You're giggling like a toddler who's just sassed an adult." I uttered trying to finish off a few notes before Ben came by to reception; not that I was even close to being ready to go out.

From the corner of my eye she looked ready to burst.

"Can I ask?" she gushed holding her face in her hands, eyes like saucers.

"Go on then." I faintly smiled, opening one of the few emails I had left to reply to.

"What's going on underneath?" she asked, a snort escaping me as I typed.

"Phoebe, most people are more focussed on getting some for themselves...not how much someone else is getting." I said, she spun around in her chair, clearly something was on her mind.

"I want something to laugh about. We've been working and serious all day. I'm surprised Ben didn't at least send some flowers, he usually sends you something, doesn't he? Do you think he's going to wear a suit?" she asked, her work more or less abandoned till tomorrow by the looks of it.

"Phoebe, would you like to go for dinner with Ben whilst I sit here and work?" I asked, despite how adorable she was being I'd have preferred she was working and being adorable.

"Not today I wouldn't, come on stop working he'll be here soon and you need to get ready!"


"Right, are you happy now?" I asked, dressed but not quite ready.


"Is that a good wow? Because I don't have anything else to wear." I asked smoothing my hands over my torso, sort of praying it wouldn't be cold tonight.

"Rosie, you look bloody gorgeous. I'd ask you out if you weren't already taken. It's no surprise Ben gets jealous sometimes." She blustered, a faint laugh escaping both of us.

"Charmer, well if one day I don't have Ben you'll be my backup. I can't always expect Merlin to keep the bed warm. He needs his own space too."

"He ought to have gotten you flowers at least. Have you got him anything?" she asked, I nodded closing my makeup bag, smoky eyed to the heavens apparently.

"You know how he's I guess 'into' welfare and wellbeing?" I asked slipping a flat black pump on, heels would look nicer but obviously another time.


"I made a donation in both our names for 'Tree Aid' this year. We both have a lot of things already so I'd rather we gave things with meaning that could benefit someone else. He wouldn't want anything much anyway...that's what Christmas and his birthday are for. He's honestly worse than the kids."

"You big marshmallow." Phoebe smiled, I smiled thinking about it.

"I guess I am, anyway I need to take my tablets before we go. If Ben comes up, you can bring him here rather than have him hanging around reception."

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora