Chapter 50

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AN: 'Lifening'- Snow Patrol.

Monday morning.


"Do you have to go anywhere today?"

"Would you rather I stayed?"

"You're really warm right now, just quit acting and everything. Pretend you don't have passions or bills or anything." I mumbled under the covers; Merlin adjusted himself over my feet before yawning at the new day, a playful sleepiness in his eyes.

"I can't help but think that..." Ben started, rolling over to face me.


"You're in an awfully good mood, despite the slightly puffy eyes." He smiled, pushing a few hairs from my face.

"I had a great sleep but give me an hour or two and I'm sure I'll find something to be miserable about." I sat up against the pillows before stretching momentarily.

"Yet you still fell asleep with your other boyfriend distracting you?"

"Who? Or what exactly?" I asked, tucking my iPad under my side.

"The slim charming gent you've just hidden." He whispered, I smiled faintly placing it in my lap before reaching over for my glasses.

"It was for good reason, Fran wanted to Skype my mum reading Arty his bedtime story. He seems to be familiarising himself more and more with words. I love that he'll just moo whenever mum mentioned the cow on the farm, he went method you know. Totally off script from the usual gurgling." I nonchalantly added, Ben's face contorting in confusion.

"A brainbox in the making, clearly. What with being a "method acting" baby. Because such a baby exists."

"Of course, he's got good genes. You're not the only actor he knows you know." I smirked, he playfully punched my arm.

"Yes, and a family who spoil him with fun and love all the time. Of course I know that, you're a bunch of brainboxes; if Gen's not saving lives Hannah's jetting off for yet another production and Mike's either making or taking down someone's life."

"You're jealous you don't get to see him today aren't you?" I asked. He faintly nodded sitting up next to me.

"There isn't a minute where he's not a delight to be with. Who else is raiding Harrods with you then?" he asked encouraging Merlin to sit with him, happily patting the covers with his tail.

"Um Fran and Arty of course; I'm not sure how happy he's going to be looking at dresses though. Bridget of course, and Phoebe. Mum said she's out with your parents this afternoon. Dad's working with Alex and Percy's orf to the Lake District with Saskia. We might all meet up and go out for a late lunch depending on time."


"What's interesting?"

"Something tells me I'm going to have to turn the other spare room into another walk in closet for you at the rate you're going. Your last Net-A-Porter delivery nearly threw me down the stairs!" he grumbled, naturally my eyes completed a 180.

"I didn't ask for one, you offered to convert the "junk room" into something more practical instead of filling your room to bursting point with both of our things. Besides it was a large box and I did ask you to help me bring it upstairs but you said no, leaving me to drag it on my own. I got fed up by the time I reached the top of the stairs so left it there." I uttered briefly looking over at him, I was going over some work for Sylwia to review when I see her on Wednesday.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora