Chapter 43

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AN: Song for chapter: 'Song for someone' -U2

Sunday evening.

The hallway; smiles on a face for one.

Feeling better than I had done, I decided to head downstairs to see what everyone was up to tonight; nearly walking into the bathroom door being swung open ahead of me.

"Oh, sorry. Oh it's just you, can't say I'm bothered." Ben cheekily said, my frown failing to elicit a response of guilt.

"One of these days Benedict my family will see just how much of a tosser you really are." I smiled looking up at him, his arms going over my shoulders, my hands around his middle.

"I'm sure my family are seething at the thought of you at this very moment too; 'how dare he bring home this wonderfully intelligent specimen with never ending legs and the never ending wit to match.' Hm?" he mumbled into my hair, I smiled to myself thinking about it; I was terrified to meet his extended family, there were more of them than I could've thought, on the whole they're just as normal as my family. Well, whatever one defines as normal that is.

"Well in your case it was more of an 'Oh he's nine years older? We're not surprised; we all know your type these days given your crushes. Oh, he's an actor? Family's full of 'em we're not surprised. Ooh he's a bit of posh totty with a brain? We're not surprised!' reaction; I still remember the girls all gawping at you when you joined us down on the Cornish coast for the first time, like they've never seen a man in a pair of trunks!" I giggled to myself saying it, Ben's fingers absentmindedly running through my hair.

"I'm a blessed man, a blessed man who doesn't mind an audience." He mumbled. I pinched his side; he jumped back for a moment, laughing.

"What?!" he giggled, his ego illuminating around him like the Angel Gabriel's bleeding halo.

"You're actually happy at the thought of my cousins and possibly- ugh- aunts and friends alike staring at your junk?!"

"Does it make you jealous? It does doesn't it?" he smirked; I folded my arms thinking about it.

"No, they, like everyone else can look but you're kind of mine, forever so no. It's just hard not to cringe, that's all. You're irritatingly good looking."

"Forever you say?" he asked, an eyebrow raised, grinning more at my last comment.

"Well, if Hemsworth ever decides he fancies a bit of this, aka me, I can't make any promises but for now I think that's the deal." I teased, his face now taking the unimpressed stance.

"You know what?" he asked, coming over to me again.

"Hm?" I smiled, his arms around me a second time.

"I love you." he mumbled, his lips gently pressing against the crown of my head.

"Ben, I'm not sure how much affection I can take. It's a bit sickly." I sighed.

He grinned looking at me again. "I know, you repulse me down to the core of my soul but there's that speck of affection about the size of a raisin I like to take out for fresh air every so often." He quietly said, I smiled looking up at him.

"See? That's love my dear man, god all this three worded crap is going to exhaust you soon." I added, my arm around him as we headed downstairs, the sound of domestic destruction in the process, I think Elizabeth was having a barbeque tonight, which means Patrick, which means she'll be harassed by everyone coming over, I think uncle Tristan and his wife Sophie were coming down tonight with their sons Austin, Oscar, and James, my somewhat wonderful cousins.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora