Chapter 20

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AN: I'm so sorry I've taken ages to update guys, please forgive me? *bribes you with cake and kittens anyway* :D

Wednesday. Afternoon. We both got out of the car and I headed towards the house.

"Rosie, I don't mind carrying you inside you know" Ben said as I walked on my crutches.

"It's okay crumpet, I have to keep getting used to walking on my crutches" I said.

"You've not changed your mind have you?" he asked, taking my things out of the car.

"No, I haven't." I quietly said opening the front door with my keys. He remained silent.

"Anyone home?!" I called out as I entered the big hallway of my parents house. "Just me, the cat, and maybe someone special!" Dad called back and I headed to the kitchen. "Hey dad, I take it you're working from home today?" I asked as he gave me a hug, I couldn't exactly let go of the crutches unless I wanted to hit the floor.

"Yeah, I've been working on a case for a while and got sick of the office, you know how irritating the same four walls can be when you're working to a tight deadline" he said and I nodded. 

"How was the ride back?" he asked

"Hmm" I replied

"Rosalind, I'm not going to stand here trying to deduce mumbles" dad said raising an eyebrow and I simply shrugged

"Honestly, ask Ben. I think he'll need a favour from you anyway" I added, taking my duffle coat off and putting it on a chair at the kitchen island. I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep talking but awards aside I could've left Ben locked outside the house. 

"You look a bit healthier now, it's nice to see" dad said and I smiled.

"Yeah Dr Lucy said the same, I can 'get back to strutting like Beyoncé' in no time" I said and he simply laughed. 

I turned around to look in the garden and a huge (GARGANTUAN) smile worked its way across my face. 

"Who's that handsome chap in the garden?" I excitedly asked, going towards the back door.

"Well he usually goes by Merlin, go say hi, I think not having you around is driving him up the wall now, although Caspian has been great company for him" dad smiled and if I could've ran into the garden I would've. Merlin was just walking around the garden, his tail swinging limply from side to side; he seemed a little bored. Caspian the family cat was resting on the worktop, I stroked his soft white fur and looked into those big green eyes of his for a moment as I hobbled past into the garden.

I moved a few paces into the garden and very slowly sat down as best I could on the soft grass. "Merlin!" I called and he instantly brightened up, charging towards me and I hugged him so close for a few moments as he practically knocked me over, I didn't want to let go.

"Oh Merlin I've missed you!" I happily said as he licked my face, somewhat overpowering me, he's pretty big now, and I'm pretty weak at the moment. "Oh Merlin! I love you sooooo much, do you know that?!" I asked holding his face in my hands as he wagged his tail and I laughed a little, he looked so happy now I couldn't stop smiling. 

"Thank you Merlin, you're the most loyal companion a girl could ask for, thank you, so so much, I've missed you! I'm so glad you're okay, you're so brave and such a good boy!" I said and hugged him close to me for a while and nuzzled my nose in his soft fur; I didn't want to cry but I thought I'd lost him forever, I still can't believe I'm home, he's home.

"Have you been a good boy for mum and dad?" I asked him and he simply bowed his head which meant he had been. "Ah look at your little belly, they've been spoiling you, little pudding-pup" I smiled and he simply snuggled up to me some more, his fur was so soft and he was so warm and frankly...perfect. 

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora