Chapter 62

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AN: Apparently there's another babybatch on the way? *does happy clap from a healthy distance*


Sunday morning.

Antibes, France.

The Chalet, my room.

"I just got off of the phone with Ben, Rosie." Tom uttered sitting next to me in bed, I could feel his palm knocking against my knee but I didn't want to get up, to do anything.

"Fascinating." I mumbled, my head still sore from last night. A quiet drink at the Bar Blue Lady Pub turned into a multi-bottle blowout with strangers out for the evening.

"What, what exactly is stopping you from...never mind." He started, the annoyance in his voice was palpable.

"What, Tom?"



"Fine. What, aside from needing a bit of a break is really stopping you from talking to him? You're both so bloody miserable, it's hard to witness."

"And irritating, you missed that out." I added, unbothered by his honesty.

He sighed, knocking my knee again. "Rosie, seriously."

"I know. I don't know, we're on a break, for how long I don't know. I can't even go back to my own home for some space as Phoebe needs it. I worry about him using, what he'll do if he has a bad day. I'm just tired Tom. And I feel like I'm repeating myself all the time but I can't help it."

"Then change the record."


"Talk to him! That is literally the only option you both have right now. Like it or not you only have each other. You know what I mean. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be cruel, not at all. He found your diary Rosie. Did you not think to at least bring it with you?" he asked, his sigh sinking in time with mine.

I sat up, leaning against the headboard. "It's not all about him. Well it is but it's not at the same time."

"Rosie." Tom quietly said, I moved sitting next to him at the end of the bed.

"Swallow your stubbornness for five minutes and ride it out, he'll come around eventually. He needs you, and you know that. You know he won't leave you for anything or anyone else, even if his upset states otherwise. He said he was hurt, more so that he can't reach you right now despite the so called break. Your phone's been off since we left yesterday. I didn't not notice that."

"But I need me?" I felt myself asking, my forehead suddenly felt heavier in my hands.

"I know darling; he knows that too. A quick chat, nothing else, that's all he needs. And maybe you too. Can you do that?" he asked, I felt myself nodding, trying to convince myself that something would go right this week.

"Sure, um can I have my phone please?" I asked, he nodded reaching into my bag on the cream rug under our sockless feet for it.

Turning it on I couldn't think of what to say that'd be of any use.

"What am I supposed to say?" I asked, Tom wasn't going to have the best answer but I wanted to hear it anyway.

"Ask him about work, about Merlin. Keep it light." He suggested just as my phone rang.

"I guess. Wait, shit, sorry. Ben! Morning, um no no I was talking to Tom. About what? Not much, just what to say to you." I mumbled off looking at Tom, he made a notion to say he was leaving the room, I nodded, rolling over in bed, the brightness of the morning stinging my hungover eyes.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora