Chapter 75

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Wednesday morning.


"Do we have to get up?" I yawned, my head tucked into Bens chest, the rise and fall that came with each breath was a quiet comfort.

"It's the morning of your best friends' wedding, of course you can have a lie in."

"Very funny." I mumbled, my arm around his middle, his skin warm to the touch.

"Who said I was joking?"


"Should I stop?"

"No, that feels amazing."


"Rosie, are you up yet?!"

"Kind of!"

"Bridget, you can't just barge in!" I blustered pulling the bed sheets up to my neck.

"Christ, have either of you had any sleep? Look at this place! It's a complete state, what's with the petals? Did a gust blow in last night?"

"Bridge." Ben muttered sitting up.

"Yes, Benedict."

"It must come of no surprise to you that neither of us are dressed under these sheets. If you gave us ten minutes we'll be down to help you get ready. And no, we didn't sleep a lot, and no, a gust didn't blow in last night."

Bridge shrugged, sitting at the end of the bed, a smirk on her face. "Ten minutes for what? To throw something on and have a shower, or to make Rosie sing like a canary?"


"I wouldn't need ten minutes."


"Rosie, the walls aren't as thick as you'd like to think. Not that Ben is bothered about having an audience."

"Bridget, please stop. Both of you, god." I blushed hiding under the covers, ignoring the faint laughter filling the room.

"I'm only kidding lovely, but seriously get up, get washed, and try to keep your hands off of Ben long enough to get back to being a good maid of honour. Come on, ten minutes max. Ben, don't keep her for too long, I know you're finally getting on, but stop getting it on long enough to get me to the church!"

"Bridge, if you keep teasing I'll jump out of this bed, naked as the day I was born."

"I'll be having words with Wanda, I'm sure she didn't raise you to be an exhibitionist."

"Bridge, I'm warning you."

"Fine, have another snuggle if you must, but we do have a schedule to stick to."


Late morning.

The master bedroom.

Eleanor sat at the window seat, dabbing her eyes before Yara the makeup artist got to work.

"I'm sorry girls, sobbing like this. I had no idea my Bree would look so, so beautiful." she blustered into her hanky; Yara waited, a look of understanding on her face.

"Mum, you'll make me cry at the rate you're going." Bridge muttered, blinking rapidly to keep her eyes dry, arms stretched out allowing myself and Jane to help her into her dress, a long lace sleeved number from Ben Di Lisi, layers of Ivory and lace hugging every inch as we buttoned her up.


"How do I look?" Bridge asked sometime later, a white dressing gown over her dress, Yara primed her skin before starting on her makeup.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora