Chapter 61

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AN: Real Good Hands - Gregory Porter.

Saturday morning.

The Heath, the rain, and a quiet stroll for three.

"Tom's picking you up this evening?" Ben asked pulling his flat cap down, the wind whipping both our faces as we walked.

"He said he'd come around six. It gives us some time to enjoy the evening by the time we get there."

"You'll call me when you get in won't you?" he asked, I nodded routinely. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to him if I could avoid it.

I looked over at him. "Yeah. I usually do don't I?" His moods have been like the weather the last two days; he's asked me the same question at least ten times.

"Depends." He uttered, I didn't take the bait.

"I guess it does." I added folding my arms. Merlin walked between us on his leash in Ben's hand. There seemed to be an event going on ahead; I didn't want him to bolt out of excitement or curiosity.

"I'd rather it didn't." he said, I shrugged pulling my phone out.

There was no point entertaining every word that came out of his mouth, he seemed to be thinking out loud a lot recently.

"We all do. That's life Ben." I mumbled seeing a text from Bridge, glad for the distraction.

'Lost two pounds! Only 1 more to go before the big day! X' it read, I sighed putting my phone back, I wasn't going to respond to it and irritate the both of us.

"Something bothering you?" he asked, he knew it wasn't him by the lift in his mood.

"Bridget's decided as of last Thursday to get the "wedding body" of her dreams. She's already got a figure to die for. I wish she'd stop stressing; I don't want her to burnout over it. She's fine as she is."

"And the award for most enthusiastic maid of honour goes to..." Ben sarcastically said.

I frowned looking up at him. "I'm happy for her, you know that. It's just that she really needs to remember that the day is about her and Marc and how great they are, not her bust-waist-hip ratio."

"Anyway, have you got your dress for the big day yet?" he asked, changing the subject.


"Do I get to see said dress?" he asked, I shook my head.

"No. Bridge's kept everything locked away, she's convinced one of us will spill something on it and "ruin it all"." I rolled my eyes, his smile faint but sincere at least.


"Benedict. What's the matter?" I asked, fed up with frankly the pair of us.

"You're not the same. Something's changed." He uttered, a cold detachment in his tone.

"We've both changed." I said, my mind whirring, wondering what he could possibly mean.

"That's the problem. Everything has been changing, all the time. You were the one constant. Now I don't have that."

"Ben, I can't be the same person all the time. I can't like life, you, myself in the same way when it's all changed, it's just that-" I almost said before he stopped in front of me, Merlin almost caught off guard by his sharp turn.

"What do you mean?"

"What?" I asked, my head wasn't in it today as it was. I just wanted to see Tom and to leave.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora