Chapter 35

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Friday. Morning. The kitchen.



"Last night was fun, to some extent."

"I never thought I'd say this but you look good in a corset Ben"

"For some daft reason I originally thought I was going to be treated to seeing you not wearing much"

"You were, I’m surprised I didn’t catch a cold wearing half that stuff, there wasn’t much of it!"

"Until you made me wear it!"                                                                      

"Ben it was only fair, and besides you look good in a dress I had to give in to my curiosity. You can’t expect to make me wear next to nothing when you feel like it and not have the tables turned on you eventually." I said stirring my earl grey, Ben sipping his Americano in between bites of toast. I had porridge with strawberries earlier.  

"Can't say I'll ever be in a hurry to try that again, you’re a lot smaller than me I was gasping for air!"

"Don't worry you won't, I'll be nice."

"Makes a bloody change" he mumbled, my brow rising for a moment.

"You can sleep in the guest room from now on. Or you know, down the road, say an hour down the road in your house."

"So I’d actually have the entire cover to myself?! And not be moaned at for apparently snoring?! Not a bad thing is it?!" he retorted, my eyes naturally rolling much to his amusement.

"That's not fair" I sulked, folding my arms momentarily; my tea gently steaming away in the white mug in front of me.

"What?" He asked, wiping his mouth for a moment.

"I'm trying to be mean and you defeat me with logic. Rude."

"But on the other hand I do like being the big spoon when I have the chance so I’ll be the nice one this time." he humbly added, my arms unfolding.

“Rosie. We're doing that thing again.” Ben said, tapping the small table with his fingers, four phalanges drumming in perfect harmony.

A choir of bones if you will.

“I know.” I do wonder sometimes how many things we ought to talk about because too much time has passed for it to be important. Hm. 

“After last night’s unfortunate events, including you sobbing on your best friends’ driveway, are you alright? I mean actually alright, not the alright where you’re clearly not but saying you are.”

“Maybe”. I said looking out of the window.

I really would rather not talk about it. Not now anyway.

“What do you mean…maybe? You either are or aren’t alright.” He asked, pulling my attention from the crow out on the Thackery family’s shed next door.

“I don't know Ben, I just don't want to think about it. Can we just not do this?” I quietly said, knowing that wouldn’t happen.

That never happens.

“You’re going to have to, this isn’t something to glaze over. Do you still want to go to the wedding?” he asked, a melancholy undertone to his voice.

“Ben, I know that and your tone is bothering me now. Yes I do, she's my best friend, she hurt me but I’m not going to screw her over. I can’t be bothered with a tit for tat game of upsetting people who upset me. They said what they said, I can’t change that and frankly I’m too tired to. What could I possibly say to her? I don’t care if she’s sorry, I wouldn’t accept an apology anyway.” I said, looking over at him for a moment. He nodded briefly.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora