Chapter 11 *Bens P.O.V*

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I'm at my house with Mrs Hudson, my parents who are still in London, Michael, Imogen, Rosie's four brothers: Andy (38) and his son Arty, Alex, Percy (34, who are twins), and Finn (29). Tom, and Phoebe are here too. I feel sick. The last thing she said to me this morning was that she loved me. The last thing she said tonight was to help her. She was screaming, she was petrified.

I can't hold back the tears any longer and Finn holds me. "She'll be alright Ben, she's smart, she's got her wits about her. She...she." he doesn't finish his sentence, I don't think he can. Percy came and put his arms around us as we all try to tell ourselves she'll be okay.

"Is it really okay for Arty to be up right now?" Phoebe asked, my mum held him in her arms as he played with her necklace which was rather endearing. She was always a natural with babies. It was pretty heartbreaking to watch though, that's what me and Rosie were hoping to give her one day- a grandchild. I had to stop thinking like that, it was too much to contemplate Rosie not being alive right now.

Our families are pretty close now, so mum and dad are pretty close to Andy and Fran, she's had to rush to Glasgow to be with her sick Grandfather yesterday so isn't here.

"Yeah, it's fine. He wouldn't settle, he kept screaming and squirming around in my arms- pointing to the picture of Rosie and Ben on the fridge at home. It's like he could sense something, and then we got the call" Andy solemnly said.

"We urm, we. We need a plan of action" I said, as Detective Bennet was in the kitchen talking to Mrs Hudson, I think she was giving a statement.

"Like what, go out on a high stake mission and possibly watch her die before our eyes?! I'm not fucking burying my baby sister Ben!" Alex shouted.

"ALEXANDER MICHAEL THOMAS HUNTINGTON-JONES, stop. This is neither the time nor place to cop an attitude, Ben is allowed to talk. Sit your butt down now." Imogen sharply snapped back, silencing the whole room, Imogen has that effect on everyone. Alex calmly sat down, tears and frustration in his eyes, my dad just comforted him.

"What do you suggest we do Ben?" Percy asked. "We can't rely soley on the police, it could be at least 24 hours before they do anything, we've got to go rogue. We have to. We don't know where she is, we've got to get the word out that she was in Hampstead." I said. Percy and Finn looked at me, their hearts were breaking. Tom was talking to Michael, and Imogen went into the kitchen briefly, tears in her eyes, I can only imagine a mother's pain right now.

"Wait! Shit! Yes! We might know where she is!" I said, and everyone's eyes lit up. "Rosie has two chips on Merlin- one on his collar and one on his back right molar, they have gps tracking, should he ever go missing or they get seperated for some reason." I said and some relief swept over me. We can find her, we will find her, whether she was alive was another question entirely. I heaved a sigh and held the back of my neck with my hands for a moment.

"Wait! Not just on Merlin though, her ID bracelet, she has a tracker in it in case she was ever in a medical emergency and needed help. She's had that bracelet since she was born, obviously it's been re-sized over the years but she still has it. She rarely takes it off! She must've been wearing it today?!" Finn said and I nodded.

"That depends on two things guys. One- if she's alive and still wearing it and secondly if Merlin is alive and with her." Andy added, and my heart sunk.

"We've got to stay positive, we can't lose her. We nearly lost her once." Alex said, looking up at my dad.

"Wait, What?!" I swifly asked, what the hell is going on?!

"When I was about 14, Rosie was barely 3, and Finn was 5 we were out fishing with our grandparents in Ireland (Michael's parents). We got caught up in a hostage situation. They wanted our grandparents and Rosie for some reason, but not me and Finn. She was practically a baby, she barely remembers it, and even if she remembered it vividly she's not going to want to talk about it with anyone apart from me and Finn, if at all." Andy said, running his hand through his wavy ginger hair.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora