Let me explain

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Hi all,

Sadly this isn't a chapter but I have been thinking of Wattpad for a very long time and wanted to write something, anything for a long time.

It may seem that I gave up on my work, couldn't be bothered, or simply lost interest in Ben and Rosie's story.

That's far from true, I feel the complete opposite.

I live with and have frankly struggled with crippling anxiety both social and general as well as debilitating depression and dysmorphic thoughts so honestly life hasn't been easy or frankly manageable for a long time.

I wake up and feel like I'm drowning, overwhelmed by my own existence.

I've had and still have days where I wish I could not exist because the exhaustion has become too much, life has become too much.

My job, which I feel I can only just about do is stressful for the most mentally balanced person, add a bucket of anxiety and very little will to live or get out of bed and you'll see where I'm coming from.

What I'm saying is it's hard, and I'm struggling, barely keeping my head above water and I crave normalcy. 

I feel like life is just too loud, and silence is what I need the most. 

I will continue to write, and finish this story, and whatever comes after it...[watch this space *wink*]

But please, give me time because I'm barely hanging on by a thread most days and the hours I can function are taking up trying to pull myself together, a lengthy commute to the opposite side of London, and hours of stress, being micromanaged and generally unhappy.

I'm working on changing my circumstances, and I'm working on new content, please bear with me and I know I'm asking for a lot [if not just taking the piss] but I frankly wouldn't wish my mind on anyone because although a life with mental illness is normal and nothing to be ashamed of, for me it's exhausting and sometimes I crave sleep like water on a hot day.

I'm talking to you know about my mental health because not talking about it nearly cost me my life, and I want you to know I read your comments. I will reply, I will write again, but right now I just need time. 


Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora