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Hello, how are you?

I wanted to come back on and check in with you all.

When the pandemic hit, I thought about my Wattpad community, because we aren't just avid readers or writers, or fans, we're people.

People who have faced unimaginable trauma, challenges, and seen life change right in front of us like never before.

You're also friends.

I last came on here in 2018 to just explain where I was, and it's taken me up to now to sit here and get back in touch, it's been a very turbulent couple of years.

I've gone from barely clinging on, to really speaking up for myself, and using my voice to help others.

It's scary but I feel so much stronger.

I also have felt the need to get back on here, truth be told, I've missed Wattpad, I've missed writing, I've got piles of notes to go through to continue 'Officially Cumberbatched', because I want to finish this story.

I never gave up on it, but realised I was giving up on myself.

I take care of a lot of other people, and haven't been treating myself with as much care, it's taken me all this time to really start to change that.

I want to write again, and I'm going to go back and refresh my mind with Rosie and Bens story.

I'm not here for the stats, I just love the story I started, and want to finish it, I'm doing this for me.

And for you, for sticking by me, for enjoying my words, and for valuing the beauty in the written word.

Thank you for being here, I'll be in touch soon.

Oswaldingcumberbabe x

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora