Chapter 8

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Monday. Morning.

I slowly opened my eyes to see it was 5:45 AM and all I wanted to do was sleep for the rest of the day, warmly curled up with Ben but Merlin needed his morning walk and I fancied jogging off last nights chocolate cake along the crisp grasses of Hampstead Heath. I slid out of Ben's embrace, he rolled over and made a rather squeaky noise as he breathed which was adorable. 

I changed into my running gear having left my ring and mini magnifying glass charm necklace from Ben on the bedside table (I prefer not to run in them should something happen to them. The only jewellery I wear at all times is my medical ID bracelet, I rarely take it off) and headed downstairs to give Merlin a little drink before we headed out. I wrote a note and left it on the kitchen island for Ben. It read:

'Taken Merlin for his morning walk and gone for a jog on HH, back in an hour, don't forget to smile, you have a lovely one! :0)  xxx' 

It's kinda nice leaving him a little note rather than a text, technology is nice but it does my head in sometimes, especially as my job leaves me in front of page upon page of code. I slid my keys in my back pocket. I headed out the door and down the road. 

About an hour later...

I got back in through the door and headed straight to the kitchen with Merlin who was now eating from his bowl to see a now slightly awake Ben was making breakfast. "Morning" I said wrapping my hands around him from behind and he looked over his shoulder smiling a little. "A very good morning to you, that note you left was rather sweet" he said turning around to face me, having finished making what seemed like pancakes that smelt delicious. His voice was a little hoarse which was nice.

"I'm glad you liked it" I smiled as his hands went around my waist. "Shame I couldn't hold you for a bit longer as I slept, I always sleep better when I'm with you" he said patting the small of my back and I blushed a little

"Well, maybe tonight if you're lucky you won't have much sleeping to do" I said placing my hands on his chest and he shook his head.

"You know my mind goes to scrambled eggs when you're that flirtatious first thing in the morning. I hope I don't forget my lines, I've got 10 hours of filming ahead of me from 9AM" he said as he let go of me.

"Like you can talk, I ended up flustered like fuck at a C.E.O meeting for that organic lifestyle company I was designing for a few months ago because someone decided to get frisky in the cab ride there before he headed off to shoot Sherlock. It didn't help that  I was majorly hungover from the night before because a "few quiet drinks" with you, Finn, Tom, and Bridget escalated into us trying about half the menu and dancing till 4AM" I added and he couldn't stop laughing. 

"You most definitely weren't complaining were you? Well by the sounds you were trying to stifle indicated you weren't having a bad time at all" he said knowing he was right. I grabbed some honey from the cupboard and  went bright red, that poor cab driver.  

"Such a bad influence" I said and he smiled, "because you encourage it" he replied and I stuck my tongue out. 

After breakfast we both got ready to head out to work. Ben was getting picked up and taken to set for 'The Imitation Game' in an hour or so and I was heading to Ealing Broadway for the day to meet the web design team I was working with for the 'Large Footprint Coffee Co'. We were told it was smart casual so I decided to wear black skinny jeans, a white shell top with black polka dots, and plain black pumps. I simply pulled my hair up into a loose ponytail, with a few hair pins in place to hold up the few baby hairs at the back. 

Just as I was putting on my jewellery before quickly heading out to drop Merlin off at Mrs Hudson's, Ben suddenly came behind me, holding my waist and I giggled a little as he kissed my neck a few times.

"Ben, no, I'm going to end up being late if we get frisky and I don't fancy having to make up a reason to cover up why I clearly look like I just had amazing morning sex." I said and he let out a light laugh. "Well according to Cosmo it's a great way to start the day" he said and I laughed.

"You read that copy of Cosmo I once brought? You've proved that theory right many times my darling but I'll have to pass, I really don't want to be late" I said.

"Sure? There's nothing wrong with being a bit late" he said, turning me around to face him as his hands travelled further and further down my back; dammit it's getting harder to tell myself to be good and to go to work right now.

"I'm very sure, I'm never late, you have a reputation for being late. Let's keep it that way" I said kissing him briefly and he smiled letting go of me. "Don't give me 'come to bed eyes' Ben I need to go" I said pushing out a tiny laugh grabbing my black satchel bag and red Gloverall duffle coat. If I were superman, Ben would be my kryptonite, I wouldn't mind though- he's the best kind of kryptonite a girl could ask for. 

"Okay I'll stop, for now, even though you like it" he jokingly said and I rolled my eyes a little, putting on my coat and satchel on my shoulder. "But one thing Rosalind," He said rather seriously as I made it to the bottom of the stairs where Merlin was waiting for me.

"One thing?" I somewhat impatiently asked, I'm going to have to practically jog to Mrs Hudson's now. He took my hands in his and placed them around his neck, gently putting his around my waist, holding me closer than usual. "Have a good day, and just stay safe okay? I know I sound silly but please. If you don't feel comfortable at anytime when you're on your own just call me, I'll come get you okay?" He asked and I nodded.  

"Yeah, I'll urm, I'll keep my phone with me. I'll be fine Ben. Remember, they were just words okay? Just words. You can't let Keira and the crew down on account of looking after me, you have a job to do, as do I. I won't have you just drop everything on account of me, that's not fair to all the people who woke up early this morning to work on set. If anything I'll go find dad at work and see him, or Percy- he's built like Thor! They won't be far from where I'm working today" I said and he smiled a little.

"Yeah, just be careful okay? I can't not worry about you sometimes" he said and I felt a few nervous butterflies in my stomach as I let go of him to attach Merlin's leash.

"Of course, I'll have Merlin with me straight after work, you know how strong and protective he is- he could easily break someones arm in one deep bite if I wanted him to. I'll call you on my way from Mrs Hudson's this evening so you know I'm okay." I said and he relaxed some more.

"I really ought to get going Ben, I'll see you tonight anyway. Your place?" I asked. "Yeah, my place." He said, looking down at Merlin who was wagging his tail.  I couldn't help but feel a bit worried now. 

Ben said goodbye to Merlin and I headed for the front door, "Rosie, I...I love you. Okay?" he softly said, with a little concern in his voice and I faintly smiled. 

"I love you too Ben, more than anything. I always have." I said and his cheeks went pink as I briefly pecked him on the cheek and turned to head down the steps of my house.

I started walking down the street with Merlin on his leash and turned back to wave to Ben who was at the door. After I very quickly dropped Merlin off at Mrs Hudson's, all I could think as I hopped on the overhead Northern line train at Hampstead station, to go to Tottenham Court road where I'd take the central line to Ealing was why Ben is so worried about me all of a sudden and my safety, they were only words someone said about me on the internet on Sunday, they hurt but they were just words. I don't want him to go crazy thinking about me all the time. I'm fine, I'm just fine.

Or am I? 

Great, now I'm paranoid. But could he be right? It's like he just has a feeling something bad is waiting around the corner for me and can't shake that feeling off because it could be true. I decided to drown my mind in some music before I end up in tears and vowing to never leave my house ever again. Not an ideal location to have a breakdown-  a rush hour train at 7:30M where most people are probably half asleep and like me can't wait to get the day over. I mean I love my job I just hate Mondays and now Ben's paranoia has made me even more agitated today than usual.

I put in my earphones, shuffle my iPod,  and listen to 'Intro' by 'The xx', I shut my eyes and forget about the world for a while.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora