Chapter 13 *Ben's P.O.V*

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AN: I want to dedicate this chapter to two very lovely people: court_moviegirl and BernieLim because they've been so supportive and really make all the writing all the more enjoyable! :0)

It had been an hour since I made the video and it already had over 250,000 notes so thankfully it's been seen. I sort of understood Tumblr better now because of Rosie, she uses it most days. The 'findrosie' tag had exploded and overwhelming messages of support and information came flooding in, she was seen in Hampstead, heading south towards Kent or somewhere, we can't be sure. It's gone 1AM, it's been six hours.

Six terrifying hours.  

I had gone for a walk with Detective Bennett and Tom to clear my head. It was too emotional at home now to stay in there. I could feel Rosie and Merlin everywhere which was comforting but heart breaking at the same time; my pillows and favourite pyjamas smelt like her, the scarf I was now wearing is hers, Merlin's basket was cold and lonely in the corner of the living room, the new chew toy I got him today was still in its packaging, his food untouched in the kitchen; pictures of her, with her and Merlin, our friends and family were everywhere.

I had on my woven sami bracelet she gave me all those years ago, the clasp engraved with the date she felt she fell for me, I never take it off, ever. The only exception is when I'm working and in costume. The most prominent pictures at home being the ones from our sort of round the world trip a few years ago. 

I thought to myself for a moment about the trip. I remember her scaring me to death with a giant spider she came across on a hike in New Zealand- she loves spiders and creepy crawlies. I'm not as big a fan, waking up in the glow of the Namibian sun next to her, having slept under the stars with our hands entwined, during our time in South Africa. Taking cheesy tourist photos in New York just to make ourselves laugh and holding her soft, delicate hand in mine as we walked along the late night streets of Paris because she loves the night and how everything is so different, vulnerable and yet beautiful. Nothing else mattered. Me and her, that's all that mattered, she's all that matters.

I tore myself away from my thoughts as my eyes started to water and Detective Bennett was talking to me.

"Mr Cumberbatch" He said, "Ben, please" I replied and he faintly smiled. "Ben, I have something to give you, walk this way." he said, myself and Tom followed his lead. We were about halfway between my house and Mrs Hudson's where Rosie was last seen with Merlin, this was getting too eerie for me but I had to stay composed, Rosie was terrified and she was all alone, I drove as fast as I could when I heard the worry in her voice but was too late by the time I got here.

"I should have been with her, I shouldn't have let her walk alone, I should've trusted my gut instincts, what was I thinking." I said to myself quietly.

"Ben, you can't predict the actions of anyone other than yourself, don't blame yourself. Don't." Tom said patting me on the back. 

"If it wasn't for me she'd have been safe, this would've never happened if-" I cut myself off, what was I thinking?!

"Ben, I love you dearly but just shut up for five minutes." Tom sternly said and I looked at him. He wasn't being rude, he was just stopping me from saying something I'd live to regret even thinking.

"You love Rosie, you're with her. She loves you, my god she loves and adores you so damn much Ben, her love for you is the most endearing love I've ever witnessed. Okay? Don't allow even the faintest idea of 'but if we weren't together this wouldn't have happened'  to poison your mind.

The amount of happiness you've brought and will bring each other in the future cannot and mustn't be erased by this. I'm scared, you're scared, Rosie's probably petrified but keeping her shit together for Merlin and because she's so selfless I'm sure all she can think about is getting Merlin to safety and getting back to you, me, Finn, the rest of her family and friends. I know all she's thinking about is you. We've got to get our shit together too.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora