Chapter 30

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AN: Sorry for the delay in updating, I've not had the best couple of weeks so writing time went out the window :0( But thank you ever so much for reading! I should get back to updating more often, lots to come! :0) *excitedly runs off into the Cumbermist on a Unicorn* 

Still Tuesday. Westminster. 

Walking along Cecil Court, I felt Ben's fingers dance along my shoulder and slide along until his fingers where grazing my neck, it sort of tickled but I liked it. 

"It's sort of weird" I said, somewhat thinking out loud.

"That's not vague at all Rosie" Ben rather sarcastically uttered. I was going to roll my eyes but he was right, I'm not telling him that though, Duh. I did breathe light laugh though. 

"What is?" he asked

"Being out and about without Merlin is all" I added, looking up at him for a moment and he nodded.

"It is but it's nice not having to worry sometimes you know? About where he can and can't go with us" he said and I now nodded. 

"Yeah" I smiled as we headed into 'Travis & Emery', a pretty small but rustic place, they specialise in musical scores for just about every instrument, it's not the nicest looking place but that just gives it character; sort of like the Tardis really- what you see on the outside and what you're greeted with on the inside are very different things. 

"So" Ben quietly said as I read the blurb of a book, it was 'Under your skin' by Sabine Durrant, a thriller it seemed. I held onto it, hopefully Emma will like this one. 

"Hmm" I hummed, looking up at him.

"Is this going to be from both of us?" he asked and I giggled for a moment walking over to the bookmarks shelf. 

"In other words, you can't be bothered to get her something so I'll write your name in the card and we'll pretend it's from both of us?" I smiled as he simply went pink for a moment. 

"Hmm sort of but look! I like this one so I've made an effort" he quite proudly said, almost like a 5 year old having recited their times tables as he handed me a floral bookmark. It was pretty nice though. 

"Well in that case seeing as you made "such an effort" I'd say it's from both of us now. Okay?" I smiled as did he. 

"I'd like that. Where else do you want to go then?" he inquired as we walked over to the checkout, having picked up a copy of 'The Skeleton Crew' by Deborah Halber, it was sort of a written testament to modern day sleuths solving cold cases. The cover even had a deerstalker and a pipe. 

I must admit I tutted in my head before deciding to buy it. The cheek, using a deerstalker. 

"I don't mind paying you know" Ben quietly said handing me my purse, I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning so never bothered to take anything else with me apart from a few grains of sanity and what I was wearing. 

"Um it's alright crumpet, it's a gift" I softly said as he nodded before looking like he wanted to say something else. 

"Bobble" he whispered, sending a mild shiver down my back as he stood behind me, it was nice though because he had one hand resting on my waist, I always liked it when he had his hand there. 

"Yeah?" I quietly said, handing the money over to the cashier who took one look at Ben and practically melted. It was cute though, she seemed flustered even though he didn't say much to her apart from hello and that the shop was lovely when she took the books and the bookmark off me.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora