11. Nico

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I woke to my alarm blaring Zayn Malik's Vibez and groaned. I reached out and turned the alarm off when it began blaring again and laid in bed for a few minutes before deciding to get out and get ready for my first class of the day which was Art.

Just because I'm in college for dance doesn't mean that I can't take other classes.

I jumped when a knock came to my door then walked over to it as another knock came a second later and opened it to see Giovani on the other side making me blink in surprise since I didn't think he'd be awake this early considering how late he'd gone to bed last night.

"Morning, Nico," he greeted with a sleepy smile making my heart go boom in my chest. He had dark circles under his eyes which didn't really surprise me in the least since he did go to bed at four in the morning. How did I know? I had woken up to go to the bathroom when I heard him making his way to his room since he  passed my room to get to his which was three doors down from mine.

"Why are you awake so early?" I asked making him blink his tired eyes before yawning.

"What do you mean? I'm always up this early" he replied blinking the sleep out of his eyes but I raised a brow, "why are you up this early?"

I sighed, "I've got class in an hour and need to get ready" he raised a brow at that saying.

"You don't have classes on Saturdays."

He's so damn tired that he doesn't even realize that today was Friday not Saturday. I opened my mouth to  reply when Jonah stepped out of his room in a pair of sweatpants and a black v-neck with his hair messy from sleep. He yawned and stretched his arms before looking across the hall at Gio and I and blinked.

"Why are you awake so early?" He asked making me frown.

"What do you mean? You should be getting dressed since we have class in an hour" I said and he looked at me as if I had grown a second head which confused me because we had the same class and he's never one to be late getting ready.

"Nico, it's Saturday," Jonah said and I shook my head.

"No it's not," I said and he rolled his eyes before walking back into his room muttering under his breath leaving Gio and I alone once again.

"I heard your alarm go off which confused me since you usually wake up at quarter to ten on Saturday and Sunday so I wanted to see why you had it set up for 6:45 am" Gio said making me blink but before I could reply, Jonah came back out holding his phone before he was practically shoving it in my face.

"It's Saturday, Nico, not Friday,"He said and sure enough the date on his phone read Saturday, March 6th, 2021, "go back to bed you idiot."

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off but he only shook his head before going down the hall towards the stairs. He was dressed in black pants, tight black tee with a leather jacket over it, his hair neatly styled and black combat boots. His training gear.

"Go get some more sleep Nico," Gio said with a smile and I sighed.

"As long as you do as well," I replied which earned me a raised brow from him, "you're tired, Giovani. And don't pretend that you're not because I can see it clear as day. You're eyes are droopy, you keep yawning and you're practically leaning on the door frame to keep up. Go get some sleep, I know you didn't get to bed until two hours ago so, if I go sleep some more you will as well."

"I'm fine, Nico. It's not the first time I've slept only a few hours,I'm a gang leader and I need to be with my crew when they train," he responded but I shook my head.

"I'm sure they'll be fine without you for one day, Giovani, besides isn't Cam your second in command? I'm sure he'll be more than happy to take care of training for the day while you sleep a few more hours" I said and I could see that he wanted to protest but instead he nodded.

"Alright," he conceded when he nearly fell had I not caught him, "I could sleep a few more hours."

"Good," And together we walked back to his room.


I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickling in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting my hazel eyes see the sun's rays. I let my eyes adjust to the sun steaming through the blinds and Jake as I was about to lay down again and bury myself under the covers, I jerked up realizing that the bed I was in was not my own.

No, in fact I was not in my room at all.

The bed was not the same was my own. It had a fray duvet with black bedsheets and matching pillows. Unlike my which had a white duvet with pastel bedsheets and pillows. The walls were a light gray with black designes while mine was white with gold.

The windows were in different locations as well. These window were facing the backyard and had black and gray shades keeping the sun out though it still came through via the small owning between them. I could also hear yells, grunts and curses though the window which I never do.

There was a large floor to ceiling book case filled with books, picture frames and random little ornaments such as a small boy holding his father's hand to a snow globe of a happy family—a mother, father, daughters and a son—to the statue of Zeus the God of lightning.

Moving away from that, I looked around and noticed that there was a large walk-in closet on the far right with another door that most likely led to the bathroom and to the left were two large dresses and another door that led to the hall.

I frowned, as I looked round wanting to piece together an answer but before that could even happen, the door next to the dressers opened and a gush of light came through the open door. I looked up to see who it was and saw Giovani standing in the doorway. That's when it hit me.

I was in Gio's bedroom, and on his bed. But why? I looked at the nightstand on my left and saw that it was 10:45 am which meant I had slept four more hours then when I had previously woken up which was at 6:45.

"Uh, why am in your bed?" I asked climbing out of it and sighed when I realized I was still dressed in my pajamas.

"Because you refused to leave my side until I was asleep and I suppose you must've fallen asleep as well" he answered and I nodded, "why didn't you wake me up when you did?"

"You looked like you needed it with those dark bags under your eyes," he answered with a shrug before walking into the room, "did you have a good sleep?"

Surprisingly, I did. I nodded and he smiled, "that's good, are you hungry?"

"I am actually,"I said as my stomach grumbled.

"Why don't you go wash up then we can both head down for some lunch seeing as it's almost 11," I nodded again before thanking him and rushed to my room to get dressed.

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