48. Gio

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April 10, 2023 (Gia is now 3 months old)

"This just arrived for you," Cam said as he walked into my office without knocking making me raise a brow and he just shrugged while taking a seat across from my desk and taking out his laptop and firing it up. I rolled my eyes as I ripped the envelope open and as soon as I did, I felt my blood run cold as I clenched my jaw.

"Who gave you this?" I asked just as my phone began to ring which made Cam look up with a frown. "Hello?"

"Gio," Nico's distraught voice sounded over the phone making me tense which caught Cam's attention.

"Nico? What's wrong?" I asked and he sniffled and I could hear taking on the other end of the line and furrowed my brows. Cam was already typing on his laptop.

"I came to get Aros from school with Jonah but the front desk lady said that you came to pick him up," he sniffled and I could practically see him running his fingers through his hair, "I told her that it made no sense for you to pick him up without me knowing since you always call or text me to notify me."

"Everything will be okay, angel, okay? Where are you right now?"

"In front of the school." He replied, "Jonah's currently speaking with the police while Arrow and Delta are watching Tanner, Asher and Gabriel."

"I'll find him," I said as I looked down at the photos laid out in my desk. Whoever took these must have taken Aros. They were pictures of him at school, the park and mall. They were all focused solely on him.

"What if they do something to him?" Nico asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"They'll wish they didn't when I find whoever took him." He choked on a sob as I gripped my phone. "Everything will be okay, baby, I swear."

"Bring my baby home, Gio, whatever you must do but bring him home." He whispered before the line went dead as he hung up. I slammed the device on my desk making Cam look up.

"I hacked into the school's security system," he said, "Jonah just messaged me about what happened."

"Can you see who took Aros?" I asked and he nodded as he stood up from his chair and set the laptop on my desk.

"I'll start from when you and Nico dropped Aros off at school," he said and I nodded, "here you three enter at 8 O'clock with Aros and sign him in." He pointed at the screen where I could see three of us entering the school, "and here you two are again on your way out."

After watching hours of surveillance videos, Cam stopped the video, "and here at 2:45 pm, just 15 minutes before Nico and Jonah arrived, is a man walking into the building wearing a baseball cap, black jacket, jeans and combat boots." The male was tall but not as tall as me maybe 5'10 or so. I could tell he was muscular from the way his biceps constricted through the the jacket. He walked up to the front desk lady and talked to her before she smiled and nodded. Not long after that I saw a teacher walking Aros down the hall. He frowned when he saw the man but said nothing as he took his hand.

"Zoom in on his hand," I told Cam who did as told and zoomed in. I knew that tattoo. It was a tattoo of a rose with a skull and snakes. I clenched my jaw.

"Is that..." he didn't have to finish his question as I grabbed the nearest thing on my desk and threw it across the room watching the glass erupt into tiny little shards as it collided with the wall.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," I snarled before I marched out of my office with Cam trailing behind me. "I want you to track Aros' location."

"How?" He asked and I looked at him and his eyes widened before a smirk took over, "I shouldn't be surprised you'd put a tracking device on his backpack."

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