36. Gio

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*time skip*

October 23,2022 (week 12 of pregnancy)

I was livid.

I marched down the hall towards the cellars with Arrow and Cam at each side of me with my cousin scrolling through his IPad for the information that I needed.

"Marcus Consuelo,24 years old and a father of two," he said as he read the information on the screen. "He was recruited by the Vipers when he was 16." I clenched my teeth, The Vipers. Just what I fucking needed. "He has a very extensive criminal record dating back to when he was only 10."

"Damn," Arrow whistled making me roll my eyes.

"His career began when he killed his father in self defense after being abused by him since he was 5 years old after his mother died due to cancer."

Let me get you caught up on what is happening about two weeks ago one of my security guards had found a note that was for me.

Nico and I had thrown Tanner his fifth birthday party. We had gone completely out for it. Bound houses, farm animals, clowns, you name it, it was there. We were all having a grand time until I got an SOS message from one of my security guys and went to see what was happening only for Heath, my head security guy, to give me a note addressed to me.

We know about your husband's pregnancy was all the note said. I crumpled the note and looked at him and asked, "who gave this to you?" He shook his head and I gave him a warning look.

"No one, I swear." He said holding his hands up in surrender and I narrowed my eyes. "I was doing  my rounds around the Den making sure there weren't any suspicious activity around when I find the note. It was laying on the ground figured it was someone from the gang that had written down something on a piece of paper so I opened it to see who it belonged that's when I saw the writing. That's why I called you."

I had Kenzie dust it for finger prints and if possible to see if who lever left the note also left their DNA behind which they did.

"Do you think there are spies within the gang that are feeding information to the other gangs around?" Nico asked when I told him I had left to speak with Heath when Tanner was in the middle of opening his gifts.

"Most likely," I replied pissed as I ran my fingers through my hair, "Cam and Carson are already going through security footage to see if it caught the perpetrator leaving the Den." He nodded as he looked out the window at the children playing in the various inflatable games littering the yard.

"What will happen then? I don't want the boys, specially Tanner, to be afraid of being harmed again." He murmured as he looked up at me it's tears welling in his eyes and I pulled him against me before pressing a kiss to his head.

"I will take care of this," I had promised and I intend to keep my promise.

So now here we were, walking down the halls towards the cells where Marcus Consuelo's was currently being held in with his hands and feet chained to the concrete floor covered in bruises and cuts. He looked every  it the pitiful bastard he was. He looked up with his blood shut eyes before tilting his head to the side trying to catch any noise but the three of us moved in silence.

"Whose there?" He asked, voice hoarse from screaming when Jonah had titirites him for information five hours ago. Elija, Jonah and Summer had been surveying him since his DNA as well as his finger prints had been retrieved from the note he left behind. "Who's there?" He asked, he strung goes against the shackles holding him hostage to the metal table. He pulled and yanked at the constraints but it was use. He wasn't getting out of this room alive.

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