38. Gio

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November 20, 2022 (week 16 of pregnancy)

Two weeks have gone by since I killed the last of Nico's nightmares and since I helped Marcus and his family escape to a new country with new identities. But even then, there will always be enemies that I'll have to deal with due to me being the head of New York's biggest gangs. My children will always be in danger because of it which means that once all three of my children are of age they will learn everything they'll need to know about defending themselves, their families—because they will have a family of their own one day—each other and the gang because one day the head of the gang will be one of them and together they'll have to work together to be stronger than I am and lead them to greatness.

But for now, I'll just enjoy watching them play with cars, jump in mud puddles and watch cartoons on tv and enjoy the way Nico's bump grows each day with our baby girl. Speaking of, I heard a knock on the door of my office and looked up in time to see the door open and a small head poked in and Tanner's eyes scalene the room before he beamed and rushed in before climbing on my lap making me chuckle and raise a brow.

"Hi daddy!" He exclaimed and I smiled shaking my head as I rubbed his back giving him a kiss on the temple.

"Hi bud, did you run away from mommy again?" Oh I asked and he gave me sheepish grin hair a si heard Nico yelling Tanner's name from down the hall. Tanner's eyes grew wide as he gasped before wiggling to get off my lap before hiding under my desk.

"Don't tell mommy I'm hewe," he said as he placed his hands over his mouth and I chuckled and nodded. He grinned as my husband walked in.

"Hi love," I greeted him and he smiled, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Hi honey," he greeted waking over to give me a kiss on the lips and my hands instantly went to his baby bump. "Have you by any chance seen a little boy with curly hair and brown eyes?"

I shook my head and he raised a brow but nodded nonetheless, "I've been in here all day working."

Tanner let out a giggle making Nico smile and shake his head but pretended that he didn't hear as he looked at me while I smiled, "well if you happen to see your son, will you bring the little nugget upstairs, it's his bath time." He said nodding towards the desk and I nodded. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before leaving the office and shutting the door behind him.

"He gone, daddy?" Tanner whispered with wide eyes and I chuckled nodding my head and he grinned as he climbed into my lap as he snuggled against my chest.

"Mommy says it's bath time, bud."I said as I pushed away form my desk and adjusted my hold on him and he whined and wiggled to get free but I held onto him and when he knew he wasn't going to get away, he huffed had pouted up at me. "Sorry champ, but it is late."

"No wanna," he whined as I stepped out of my office and made our way to our apartment.

"You've been running around all day," I stated as I stared at his dirty clothes, "and if mommy does give you a bath your body will start to itch." I opened the door and Nico was already waiting for us with a raised brow as he looked at Tanner in my arms.

"Turned out he was hiding under my desk," I stated and he shook his head with a smile, "come on then, I'll help you give him and Aros a bath."


"What's with that look?" Nico asked as he turned the shower on and I shook my head making him raise a brow but I only smiled and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his neck. He tilted his head to the side giving me more access to his warm skin, I gently bit down I'm causing him to gasp before a moan left his lips as his back arched against me. "G-Gio."

I smirked at the breathy moan he let out as I began sucking and licking his neck before turning him around and pressed my lips against his making him gasp which gave me entrance to his warm mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance before he gave up and submitted to me. I bit down on his bottom lip making him whimper before I tugged on it. I raked my hands down his naked body before my hands found their prize and he moaned as my fingers wrapped around his hardened cock. I moved my hand up and down in him as he whimpered and his nails dug into my skin making me his at the sting but I don't care as I contiene my assault on his mouth while pumping him.

I moved my lips down his mouth to his jaw and sucked in his Adams apple before moving down more and taking one of his nipples into my mouth and sucked in it making him gasp and moan as I tweaked the other with my pointer and thumb. I alternated with abusing each of his nipples with my teeth and lips until they were and hard before moving down lower as I sucked and bit every each of his skin leaving dark bruises in my wake. Finally, I got on my knees and looked up at him and he was already looking down at me with hooded eyes with kiss swollen lips. He swallowed as I leaned down and parted his legs before taking him into my mouth while simultaneously inserting a finger into his hole and he moaned head titling back as his grip in the counter tightened.

"Fuck," he groaned as I began bobbing my head faster, taking him in deeper. I felt him hit the back of my throat as his legs began to shake meaning his was close to his release but I didn't want him to finish just yet so I pulled back releasing his cock with a pop. Nico looked down with a frown and I smiled as I stood back up, the bathroom was covered in steam from the shower that Nico had left on and pulled him in once I adjusted the water to a perfect temperature. He stared at me with confused yet lust filled eyes but before he could ask anything, I was attacking his lips again as I pressed him against the shower wall that had him gasping as his back his the cold tiles. I lifted him up and his legs instantly wrapped around my waist as his arms wrapped around my neck. The warm water hit our bodies as I aligned myself to his awaiting hole and eased myself inside him slowly and he tilted his head in a silent moan with his nails digging into my back.

"Fuck, you're so tight baby," I groaned as I pushed past his tight wall as he clenched around me. He whimpered and pulled me closer and once I was balls deep, I stayed still as I waited for him to adjust to my length.

"Mo-move," he stuttered as he looked down at me and who was I to deny such a request? I slowly pulled back just so on the tip was in before slamming in and he moaned before his fingers tangled into my hair and pulled our lips back together. With each thrust I hit his prostate making him moan and gasp, the friction between us was also stimulating his cock and I felt the warm pre-cum on my chest but didn't give a shit as I sped my thrusts loving the sounds I was receiving from my beautiful husband each time I hit that special place inside him. With out removing my cock from his hole, I pulled him away from the shower wall and sat down in the built in seat and sat down earning a gasp at the change of position.

"Ride me," I murmured and he nodded as he did just that, his hands still in my hair and lips on mine as he began to bounce on my lap. I wrapped my hand around his cock and began pumping him. I trusted up as he came down making him let out a silent moan. I could feel his climax coming and I wasn't too far from him. I felt that tightness in my stomach as I neared my own release.

"Fuck, so close," he moaned as he sped up his movements before tensing and shuddering as he threw his head back in a silent scream as cum erupted form his cock and hit our chest. I kept thrusting into him and he whined and moaned before cursing as I came inside him. Nico leaned his head on my shoulder as we panted form our intense climax.

"I love you," he murmured looking down at me with flushed cheeks and glossy eyes and I smiled leaning down and pressing my lips against his.

"I love you,"I murmured back before pulling him off of me with a pop. "Let's wash up before we go to bed."

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