57. Nico

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"Now what?" I asked Gio after we laid the kids down for bed. He sighed and ran his fingers through his slightly long hair before looking over at me and giving me a small smile.

"Now we start the process of rebuilding the den." He stated and I blinked before raising a brow.

"Your enemies will attack the den no matter how many times you rebuild it, Gio." I said and he nodded. "Don't you think that's a bad idea? Specially with the kids? Both of the younger boys are still traumatized by the whole ordeal."

"And they will get over it," he replied making me pause and stared at him in disbelief at what he said.

"Get over it? They are children Giovanni, they can't just get over it," I replied.

"I did," he said and I shook my head, "this is the real world, Nico, and children need to learn how to navigate through real-world problems. Shielding them from every hardship will only hinder their growth and ability to handle challenges in the future."

I took a deep breath, struggling to find the words to express my frustration. "But Giovanni, they are just kids! They deserve a childhood free from pain and worry."

"They will never have a life free of that!" He yelled back making me stare at him dumbfounded, "don't you see that?  They will always be in danger because of me. So they need to learn to be tough starting now."

"Mama?" A small voice called and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before plastering on a smile as I turned to see Asher standing outside his room.

"What are you doing up this late, baby?" I asked before waking over to him and he blinked looking behind me at Gio.

"Daddy?" He asked and I smiled before crouching at his level.

"Come, let's get you back in bed," I said before leading back inside and closing the door behind me. "Go back to sleep baby." I pressed a kiss to his forehead before pulling his blanket back up and he stared at me for a long while before his eyes began to droop.

"Love you mama," he mumbled in his sleep.

"I love you too, baby." I walked out of his room once I was sure Asher was asleep before leaving the door ajar for him in case he needs to use the bathroom. I sighed and walked back down the hall towards Giovanni who was still standing outside the room.


"Don't." I said cutting him off, "I'm tired and I want to sleep, so grab what you need from the closet and go sleep in the guest room." I didn't wait for him to say anything as I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.I was exhausted. Gio and I have never fought before so this was something I wasn't expecting when he came home after being gone all night. Shaking my head, I turned the hot water on and let it warm up. I did my whole night routine as the water finally heated enough for fog to cover the room. I sighed as they hot water hit my tense muscles and closed my eyes letting the water run over me.

Rinsing of the shampoo and conditioner, I grabbed the body wash before lathering up my body. Once donde, I staid understand the spray of water for a little bit longer before shutting off the water. I pulled the glass door open and reached for my towel before drying up and wrapping it around me. I stepped out once I cleaned the fog from the mirror before exiting the bathroom only to see Giovanni sitting on the edge of the bed. I ignored him and walked to the closet to change.

"I've already seen everything," he called as I closed the door. I rolled my eyes and quickly dressed.

"Why are you still in here?" I asked stepping out of the closet while drying of the water from my hair.

"Because this is also my room," he replied and I pursed my lips before walking back to the closet to grab a change of clothe for tomorrow before walking to the door. "Where are you going?"

"Guest room," I said before stepping out and walked to the room next door. I could feel his eyes trailing after me but I ignored him.

"You can sleep in here too you know," he called.

"I don't want to be near you right now, Giovanni."


I woke and made my way to the kitchen to get breakfast ready, only to stop in my tracks when I saw Gio in there already cooking.

"The boys are still sleeping and I ready fed Gia," he said when he turned around and I nodded. "Um, are you hungry? I can get plate you some food."

"Thanks," I said and he nodded before turning around to finish fixing breakfast. It was never like this with him but last night's conversation had left me in a sour mood. I knew that if I was near him I'd say something that I didn't mean and then things would be worse than what they are now.

"Here," I looked up when a plate of food was placed in front of me and I nodded giving him a small smile.

"Thank you," I murmured and he nodded before sitting across from me with his own plate of food.

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly as I was about to brink the slice of bacon to my lips making me return it back to the plate. I looked at him to see him looking at his plate before he looked up at me. "I shouldn't have said what I did last night. About the boys having to get over their trauma of the attack."

"No trauma is easy to get over, Giovanni," I said and he nodded, "you of all people should know that."

"I know," he said nodding, "it was an asshole thing for me to say when the attack at the den happens recently. I shouldn't have said that and I'm sorry. But at the same time I need you to understand that they need to be strong because the real world won't be easy on them."

"That may be true," I said and he stared at me, "but it also doesn't change the fact that they have us—to protect them until they don't need us anymore."

He nodded, and as he went no speak again I held my hand and he closed his mouth. "And until the day comes when they don't need me to protect them, or shield them from the darkness in this word, I will do just that."

"I know," he nodded, "and so will I." I nodded as I liked at the food in my plate, "and I'm also sorry for reading my voice at you as well. I shoeing have done that when you were just being protective. I hate that I upset you last night and the night before as well when I failed to return home from dealing with Kaito."

"You apologized for that already," I said and he stared at me, "and as for you raising your voice, I forgive you as well as I know that you're stressed due to the whole attack on the den but I hope it doesn't become a habit."

"It won't," he replied and I nodded giving him a smile that he mirrored, "I love you, you know that right?"

"I know."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now