9. Nico

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a/n hi, of you notice there are no author notes on this book but I just had put one in since I had to rewrite this chapter again after it was deleted and I know most of you had already read the previous version of the chapter which I'm sorry about that, but I do hope you like this new version and that you'll let me know what you think by leaving your thoughts and votes/fan.

any who happy reading

hope you all enjoy the chapter and have a wonderful day




"Nico," I looked up from what I was doing and saw Josh, one of the college violinist walking over and I smiled shutting the door of the locker once in and everything that I needed for the rest of the week.

"Hey," I greeted him once he was close and he smiled.

"Done for the day?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, and you?"

"Not yet, I've still got practice," he said showing me the case of his violin and I nodded, "mind if I walk you out?"

"Not at all," I replied as I shouldered my duffel bag. We walked down the nearly empty campus halls and out the door of the building, "thank you for walking with me."

He nodded and as I made my way down the steps of the school, he called my name making me turn around near the bottom of the stairs, "Um, would you like to hang out sometime?"

"Nico," Gio called and I looked towards him and he tilted his head then turned to Josh who was glaring at Gio.

"I'll let you know," I replied before turning around fully and walked towards Gio who leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek though I knew he was looking towards Josh, "Hi," I smiled once he pulled back but before he did, I reached up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Hi," he smiled taking my duffle bag from me before he held the passenger's door open for me then closing it once I sat down. He walked around the hood, looking up at the top of the steps where Josh still lingered before opening the backseat to toss my bag inside before he climbed the driver's seat, "who's that guy?" He nodded where Josh still stood.

"He's a classmate sort of?" I replied and he looked over at me with a raised brow, "he's a violinist. Sometimes both of our classes rehearse together."

"Is he the one that played during your solo?" He asked turning the car before putting it in drive and driving away from Josh's gaze towards the exit and in nodded, "he's really good at playing."

"He is," I agreed.

"But I don't like him," he added making me blink in confusion turning to him in my seat so I was facing him with my back against the door.

"Why not?" I asked.

"There's something off about him," he replied and I furrowed my brows.

"He's not a bad guy," I said and he looked over at me for a split second as we waited for oncoming traffic to end before he was pulling into the road and drive away from campus.

"That doesn't mean he can't be a bad guy," he stated looking into the rear view mirror, "how well do you even know the guy?"

I bit the inside of my cheek because I didn't really know him well enough to say that he wasn't a bad guy either, "not well."

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