32. Gio

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September1,2022 (week 5 of pregnancy)

"Well, congratulations are in order," Doctor Kenzie said with a smile after we sat waiting those five long minutes, "you're pregnant." I looked down at Nico who sat frozen with wide eyes as he stared at the doctor who smiled, "and from my calculations I'll say you're around week five of your pregnancy if we count from the first day of your last period which would be August 2 which means you most definitely conceived around August 16 to august 22."

"Pregnant," Nico whispered as he turned to look up at me and I saw a smile curve onto his lips, "we're having a baby." I grinned and pulled him against me before laughing at the othe joy I felt. We were having a baby.

"Oh my god," Nico whispered with a chuckle as tears filled his eyes, "we're having a baby."

"We are," I agreed ignoring the fact that we were being watched by the doctor. "Our family is growing and I'm so glad that it's with you."

"God I love you," he murmured and I smiled before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I love you," I whispered back before pulling back to look at Doctor Kenzie, "when should he return?" She smiled as she pulled her calendar and flipped the page.

"I can see you back here anywhere between September 6 and the 12th," she replied, "that's when the heartbeat is detected through an ultrasound."

We looked at each other and Nico turned to her, "I can come see you on the 11th at 11," she nodded as she jotted it down in her notepad. She handed Nico a paper that had his prenatal vitamins written on it before handing him a bottle with said pills.

"Perfect, I'll see you both on the September 11th at 11." She stated as we stood up form our seats and nodded, "But if anything happens until then, I want you to come see me as soon as possible, alright?"

"Of course," Nico said with a smile before we exited her office. He looked up at me and grinned as his hand flew to his tummy that was still flat, "I can't wait to experience our baby ground within my belly."

"You're going to look even more beautiful with your baby bump." I said and he smiled.

"The boys are going to be so excited." He chuckled as we walked to the stairs before heading up. "Tanner more so since he's been asking for a sibling for a few weeks now." Ah yes, the soon to be five year old has been asking Nico and I to give him and Aros a sibling. We haven't planned on growing our family for a while but I guess things happen when you least expect them too.

Ever since our wedding a few weeks ago, everything has been remotely calm. But that doesn't mean that I have my guard down. And now more than ever, I have to have my guard with Nico expecting our baby and the boys.

"Mama! Daddy!" Tanner's voice yelled as soon as he saw us making our way toward the stairs that led to our door and we smiled letting him and his brother join us.

"Hi, Buddy," I smiled lifting him into my arms while Aros grinned up at us, "what were you two doing?"

"Watching movies, it got boring being upstairs." Aros replied and I nodded, "Come watch with us."he grabbed our hands and led us to the living room where we Cam and Arrow blowing their noses and dabbing at their eyes. I raised a brow at my cousin and sniper before turning to the tv and smirked. Those two were babies when it came to Disney movies. Especially Bambi. Cam flipped me off before apologizing when he saw the boys and turned back to the tv. I rolled my eyes and sat down with Tanner on my lap while Aros took the space between Cam and Nico.


"What did you want to talk to us about?" Cam asked as he and Arrow sat in front of me in my office after our movie marathon. Nico had taken the boys to the kennels to see Cara and the other dogs. We were going to be taking one of Cara's puppies and train them to be an emotional support dog for Tanner.

"It's about Nico,"  I replied and they frowned before sitting up straighter.

"Is he getting more threats? I thought we got rid of all of Patrick's allies?" Arrow questioned but I shook my head.

"It's none of that, Nico is expecting." I said and they stared at me for the longest of times before a grin covered their faces and they jumped to their feet to hug me which was awkward skewing a si was sitting in my chair. They chucked and sat back in their seats when I pushed them away.

"That's awesome, congrats," Cam said with a breaking smile, "How far along is he?"

"Five weeks." I replied and he nodded, "Which brings me to this little meeting. As Nico's pregnancy progresses, he will be going out to buy things for the baby which means there will be people who are going to get wind of the news that's he's pregnant."

"You mean the rival gangs," Arrow stated more than questioned and I nodded. "He'll want to go out sooner too just to look through baby items."

"Which will also alert the other gangs about him expecting. Word already got out that he can get pregnant all thanks to Patrick's big mouth." Cam said and I nodded again, "and you knew this already."

"I did,"I agreed sitting forward in my chair and resting my hands on my desk, "which means that he'll be guarded to and from the mall or any store he wishes to go."

"Who are you putting as his guards?" Arrow asked and I raised a brow, "wait, are you giving that task to us?"

"Not just the two of you, Jonah will also be joining along with Crow, Lilly, Summer and Micah." I said and they nodded, "I will be speaking with them when they return from their scouting."

"You do know he's going to be mad that he has guards on his back," Cam said and I nodded.

"I know and I'll be talking to him to let him know about this new arrangement." I stated and they looked at me before nodding, "This stays between us for now, I don't want the rest of the gang learning of Nico's pregnancy until I know it's safe."

"Yon don't trust them do you?" Arrow asked and I furrowed my brows, "we had worms in our gang before, Boss, which means that if we alert the rest of the gang. They will most likely go and inform our rival gangs that Nico is expecting."

"Then you both know why I don't want the others knowing this."

"And we won't tell anyone, not until you deem it safe."

"And I appreciate that, Arrow." I said as I stared at them just as a knock to my door sounded and Crow pushed the door open, "are the others with you?" He nodded before pushing the door open to reveal the rest of the group, "Then come in."

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