30. Gio

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"God you're beautiful," I whispered as I stared down at Nico who was flushed and covered in sweat from our love making. He rolled his eyes and slapped my chest making me chuckle, "Everything about you is perfect."

"I look terrible right now," he replied as he ran his fingers through his hair and I shook my head.

"Whether you have bed hair or not, you're beautiful," I stated before leaning down and pressing my lips to his and he sighed before tangling his fingers in my hair. "I'm going to make love to you until the sun comes over the horizon,"

"Less talking and more kissing," he whispered making me chuckle.

I got above him without removing my lips from his and he pulled his legs apart letting me settle between them. I reached down between us making Nico gasp as my fingers wrapped around his growing member. I swiped my thumb over the slit making him moan against my lips.

"You're perfect." I whispered before tracing my lips down to his jaw and neck where I began to suck on his skin. I could feel his chest rising and falling as he got harder in my hand.

"Gio," he gasped as I felt pre-cum on my thumb and smiled, I stoped stroking him which only caused Nico to whine at the loss of contact only to gasp a second later as I inserted a finger into him.

"Absolutely beautiful," I whispered as I kissed lower and lower as I moved down his body. I looked up to him and saw him already looking down at me with hooded eyes and lips parted. As I stared up at him, I inserted a second finger into him and I could tell he wanted to close his eyes at the sensation but refused as he kept his gaze on me. I smiled up at him before taking him into my mouth as I began moving my fingers into him. That was all it took for him to become a moaning and gasping mess. His head was thrown back against the pillows as his fingers found their way into my hair in a tight grip making me groan which only sent vibrations against his cock that twitched in my mouth.

When I knew he was close to climaxing, I removed my fingers and popped him out of my moth before climbing back up and pressing my lips to his and he groaned. I took that as my chance to slam into him and he gasped.

"Fuck," I hissed as his nails dug into my back and waited for him to adjust because no matter how many times we made love, he was always tight.

"Mo-move," he whispered as he looked up at me, "please." I didn't need to be asked twice as I began a steady rhythm of thrusting into him before pulling back and leaving just the tip of my cock inside before slamming into him.

I don't know how long I went at that rhythm until I felt my climax reaching its peak and begun thrusting into Nico harder and faster as he gasped, moaned and dug his nails into my back with each hard thrust. I wrapped my free hand around his hard cock and began pumping him along with each thrust.

"Close," Nico whimpered as he threw his head back against the pillow, his hair creating a halo around him and my god he liked breathtaking and sexy and beautiful and shit he was perfection.

"Not yet," I growled as I thrusted into him as I pumped him.

He whimpered and I could see tears begin to roll down his cheeks. I leaned down and licked the slaty liquid off of him before pressing my lips to his.

"Just a little longer, cuore mio," I whispered, "hold on just a little longer,"

"Please," he whimpered as he stared up at me, "So close,"

I pecked his lips and nodded, and just like that he was coming against our chest, his whole body shuttering and shaking with his climax and I groaned and with one final thrust of my hips, I felt my own climax leave my body and flood into him. His chest heaved up and down as he tried to catch his breath. I staid in him as he milked me dry.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now