49. Nico

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April 10, 2023 (Gia is now 3 months and 19 days old)

"Alright you three, ready to go see your sister?" I asked looking at the three young boys who nodded with beaming smiles. Tanner had to see Kenzie today so I kept him home and since Asher and Gabriel were 3 and 2 they didn't go to school or daycare.

"You got everything you need?" Gio asked walking into the living room.

"Yes, daddy!" They exclaimed in unison making my husband chuckle.

Gio picked Gabriel up while Asher and Tanner ran to the door. I shook my head at their antics as I grabbed the house keys.

"What time are you going to the office?" I asked Gio as we made our way toward the hospital wing of the den.

"Not until noon," he said and I nodded, "but after that I'll be back home and work from here."

"Yeah?" I asked and he nodded as he pulled the door open upon us arriving at the three story building. "The boys will be happy to know that you'll be home."

"I'm sorry that you've been holding the first down in your own these past few days," he said but I shook by head with a smile.

"Don't be, love, you have work to do so I can't really tell you to not work," I stated before adding, "you do all you can to keep them safe and that's all that matters, Gio, so don't be sorry for doing your job as a gang leader and a businessman."

"Good morning Donna, Don, and little masters," Doctor Kenzie greeted with us with a smile as she joined us at the front desk.

"Good morning, Kenzie," I greeted her back with a smile whine the boys only gave her shy hand waves and Gio nodded in greeting. I shook my head at their actions. You would think that all three—well all four if we count Aros even if he's not here—boys were our biological children with how similar they were to Gio.

"I see they're learning to communicate without words," Kenzie said with a chuckle, "much like a Don I know." Gio rolled his eyes making her smile, "anyway, are you here to see baby Gia?"

"We are," Gio said and she nodded, "the boys have been asking to come see her all day."

"Then let's not keep the little prices waiting," she said making the boys beam.

"Doctor Kenzie?" Tanner called making the woman lol down at him as we began to walk in the direction of the elevator.

"Yes?" She asked as we stopped in of the elevator. I watched as he played with his fingers before looking up at her. I looked at Gio who shrugged not knowing what our child was about to ask.

"When can baby sister go home?" Tanner asked making us blink in surprise at his question whisk Kenzie smiled.

"Soon," she replied and he frowned but nodded. She pressed the button the NICU and soon the metal contraption was going up.

"Daddy?" Tanner asked looking up at Gio who honed as he looked down at him.

"Yeah?" He asked as he adjusted his grip on our youngest who had fallen asleep. It's no surprise since it was past his nap time.

"Can we paint a picture for sissy when we go home?" He asked and I smiled.

"Of course, bud, we can paint as many pictures as you want," Gio replied making Tanner and Asher's eyes brighten at his reply before they began to discuss what they'll paint when we went back home.

"I actually wanted to talk to you and the Boss about baby Gia." Kenzie said and I looked at her and she smiled, "it's nothing bad." I nodded as we stepped out of the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now