52. Gio

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May 10, 2023 ( Gia is 4 months and 18 days old)

I stood on the threshold and watched as Nico slept with Gia beside him on the bassinet. When I got a notification that the den was under attack I knew who it was even before Cam called and told me.

"Stay put," I told the boys as I stepped out of the car when I arrived at the school. Ariel was already waiting for me and walked over to me.

"Boss," She greeted with a slight bow of her head, "I got a notification that the den was under attack."

"Yes," I stated as I held the car keys towards her, " yea the boys to the safe house in SoHo."

She nodded as she took the keys from me before handing me the keys to the car she had driven to the school. "Did everyone escape safely from the house?"

"I don't know," I replied honestly and she nodded, "but if they did, they should be driving to the safe house as we speak."

She nodded again and together we walked back to the car and I opened the door stopping Aros from taking his belt off which had him frowning along with Tanner.

"How do you feel about going on a little trip?" I asked and they furrowed their brows in confusion.

"Mama?" Aros asked.

"I'm going to get him and your siblings and we'll meet you there." I said with a smile and they nodded, "so what do you think?"

"Yes!" They exclaimed making me chuckle. I leaned over and gave them a hug and kiss.

"Now you be good, okay?"

"Okay daddy," they nodded with big smiles.

"I'll see you both soon," I said as I pulled back and closed the door, Ariel lowing the window, "listen to Arie okay?"

"Okay, bye -bye daddy, we love you!" They shouted in unison as I stepped back and with a final wave at them as Ariel pulled away from the curve. I clenched my jaw as I turned and walked towards the parked black SUV. the doors of the school were shoved open as I climbed in and I saw the principal making his  way towards me. I shut the door and revered out of the parking lot before he could reach me. I didn't have time to deal with him.

Since my phone automatically connected to the Bluetooth, it rang with Cam's name flashing on the screen.

"How many were injured?" I questioned before he could say anything.

"100," he replied and I clenched my fists on the steering wheel as I sped down the road back to the den.

"Any casualties?"

"None on our side," he replied and I was relieved to hear that, "I spoke with Nico and had him go into the safe with the boys and Gia."

"Good," I said and he cursed before shouting at someone.

"We know who was behind the attack," he said but I already knew. There was only one person who would be stupid enough to attack the den when I wasn't there to protect them.

"Hendrix," I said, "that bastard seriously has a death wish."

"He sent Nico's former classmate, some guy named Josh or something to try to get him out of the apartment," that fucker, I knew he was trouble the second I saw him and Nico talking at the academy months ago. If I could I would have told Nico to stay away from him but I didn't want him to hate me for that so all I did was warn him to be careful and to not that him so easily. "Turned out he was working with Hendrix and was the one who told Hendrix about Nico's ability to carry children."

"Of course he did," I seethed, "I knew he would cause Nico pain and put him in danger."

"When we realized what was happening we rushed to the apartment to see him knocking on the door," my cousin said before apologizing as he shouted as he fired his gun.

"I'm pulling up now, we'll discuss the later," I ended the call when he agreed. The house was completely destroyed. There was debris flying all over the place. Smoke was flying in the distance as shouts and screams filled the air. I grabbed my gun and shot the first bastard that came at me.

It was battle zone.

Rain had begun to fall as Hendrix knelt before me with blood gushing down the side of his head. His clothes was ripped with blood and dirt coating it. I held my gun at his head as he stared up at me with fear in his eyes.

"You though you were smart didn't you?" I rhetorically asked him as I clicked the lock of the gun and he tensed. I could see his Adam's apple bon as he swallowed. "You're pathetic to say the least, Hendrix."

"Fuck you," he spat as his fear turned to anger but not completely as I could still see it in his eyes and the wha his body froze.

"I rather not," I replied as I ignored the throbbing on my side from when he managed to get a shot. "You attacked my family, and you think you could get away with that? You're mistaken, no one fucks with my family and gets away with it."

None of the gang was left aside from Arrow and Cam. The rest were all taken to the safe house after their injuries had been taken care of. Nico, Gia and the boys were among them. The last thing I had wanted was to keep them here incase they woke up and  saw the damage that was left behind after the attack.

"I'm not the only one who will come after your boy, Gio," Hendrix said with a chuckle before he froze as the sound of a shot rang through the otherwise silent air. He fell forwards with a bullet between his eyes. Blood seeped under him mixing with the rain water.

The remaining members of his gang screamed and cursed before they met their own ends when Cam and Arrow fired their guns.

After we got rid of the bodies and driven to SoHo, I changed into clean clothes before reuniting with my husband and children.


"Gio?" I looked behind me to see Cam making his way over to me. I pushed away from the threshold and closed the door before leading him down the hall towards my office.

"How is everyone doing?" I asked as we entered my office. It was exactly the same as the one back at the den.

"Still reeling back from the shock of the attack,"he replied as he sat across from me and I nodded, "what about Nico and the kids?"

"Same as everyone else, specially Gabe and Asher as they were with Nico when the whole thing happened," I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Understandable," he stated.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes," he said before he stood up and walked over to me with his laptop and setting it down on the desk. "I was trying to figure out how Josh was able to get through security without raising the alarm," he said while typing on the computer ad I nodded, "turned out there was a mole in the gang."

I clenched my jaw as I watched the male I called a friend shoot the guards stationed at the two gates before letting Josh in.

"Where is he now?" I asked and Cam showed me another video of where Gael was chained up bleeding.

"Back at the den," he replied, "Arrow and Jonah caught him before he could escape and chained him up."

I nodded, "don't take it easy on him, Gio, even if he was your friend."

"He's no friend of mine," I said as I stood from my seat, "not after he put my family in danger."

I walked out of the office with him trialing behind me, "get the cars ready, we're going to pay that traitor a visit."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now