58. Gio

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September 13,2023 (Gia is 7 months old)

It's been three months since the attack and since I messed up. I understand that there's no excuse for what I did, and I've come to realize just how much damage can be done in a matter of seconds, especially when it involves breaking the hearts and trust of children.

The weight of my actions has been heavy on me, and I've been reflecting on the consequences and the pain I've caused. It's crucial to acknowledge the impact one's actions can have on others, especially when it comes to vulnerable individuals like children. They are particularly sensitive and can be deeply affected by the actions of others.

While I can't undo the past, I've been learning from this experience. It's essential to actively take responsibility for my actions and seek ways to make amends. Rebuilding trust is a challenging and lengthy process, but it starts with acknowledging the pain inflicted and showing genuine remorse.

It's essential to learn from mistakes and actively work towards becoming a better person, one who considers the impact of their actions on others.

I know Nico says that the boys have forgiven but it doesn't change the fact that I didn't keep my word to them. They may have moved on from that as have I but there are moments that it pops back in my head and I remember the look of hurt on their faces and it breaks my heart all over again.

"Daddy?" I heard a small voice call breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked down to see Asher standing at the door with his head tilted to the side. I smiled and waved him in making him beam before squeezing through the heavy door.

"What is it bub?" I asked as he met me at my desk—I pushed back for him to climb into my lap.

"Mama say dindin weady," he replied making me hum.

"Then shall we go see what he made?" I asked as I stood up with him in my arms.

"Yesh," he exclaimed with a giggle as I smiled blowing raspberries on his cheek.

"Are you brothers already in the kitchen?"

"Mhm," he replied with a nod as he rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head as I made our way down the hall where I could already hear the rest of the boys giggling and talking about school and the cartoons they had watched while something sizzled on the stove where Nico stood over with Gia on the counter in her portable rocking chair where she giggled and kicked and her legs about.

"Smells delicious," I said making the boys stop their conversation to run up to me and demand I carry them as well. I chucked as I sat Asher on his feet before picking Tanner and then Aros and lastly Gabe before putting all back on the ground.

"I'm making the boys' favorite," Nico replied making all four bous exclaim on delight which earned more giggles form their sister. "And yours as well."

Gia babbled and kicked her legs while making grabbing hands when she spotted me after I had gone to give Nico a kiss on the cheek.

"We're you able to finish what you were doing?" He asked and I nodded as unstrapped my girl from the confines of her chair before blowing raspberries on her chubby cheeks making her burst into a fit of giggles.

"Sit, I'll dish out dinner for everyone," I said as I handed Gia over to Nico who smiled as he turned the stove off.


"How's construction coming along?" Nico asked later when we had out the kids down for bed.

"It's coming along," I replied as he climbed in beside me and he nodded, "I've decided that once construction is over that I'll make it our meeting ground instead of our home."

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