55. Nico

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May 12, 2023 ( Gia is 4 months and 20 days old)

The sun and set and the kids were in bed while Jonah and Micah kept watch of the house with the rest of the guards Gio had left behind. I paced the living room as I waited for Gio to come home. The moon shone brightly through the slightly open curtains, the only source of light in the room. I didn't want to turn the lights on as to not wake the boys up since it had taken me ages to get them to go to bed. They have been asking for Gio all day, since Tanner told them that he was coming home tonight. Yet, there was no signs of my husband and worry began to eat at my heart as I waited and waited for him. Not even a phone call to let me know why he wasn't home yet.

I looked at the time and saw it was already 2 in the morning, yet no news of Gio.

"Where the hell are you Giovanni?" I whispered to myself as I sat on the sofa facing the front door. Sleep was slowly creeping up on me despite me wanting to remain awake. My eyes began to close and no sooner had my head hit the arm rest of the sofa, I was down for the count.

A few hours later—maybe 4 or 5 in the morning giving that it was dawn—I was startled awake as I felt my body being lifted up into a pair of strong arms.

"Gio?" I murmured sleepily.

"No," the voice, Jonah, replied as he carried me towards mine and Gio's bedroom before laying me down on our bed. "The Boss still hasn't arrived." I blinked my eyes open and stared up at my friend and bodyguard, and nodded. "I'm sorry for starling you when I picked you up. I came in to use the bathroom when I saw you sleeping on the sofa." Jonah explained and I nodded. "Get some sleep, Nico. It's still nighttime."

I shook my head as I sat up just as Gia whimpered from her bassinet beside the bed. I quickly climbed out of bed and picked her up before carrying her back to the bed, "have you heard anything from Gio or Carson?"

"No," Jonah replied with a shake of the head, "there must be a reason why he didn't reach out."

"Do you think something happened?" I asked as I covered myself and Gia up to feed her and he shrugged, "he said he would deal with the traitor and then he'd be home but that was hours ago."

"Like I said, there must be a reason as to why he hasn't reached out, you know the Boss tends to do unexpected things out of the blue without letting anyone know before it's been dealt with." Jonah explained and he was right in that. "You should get some rest, it's only 4 in the morning."

"I will," I said, "thank you for carrying me to bed."

"It's not like it's the first time," he replied with a smirk making me roll my eyes, "call if you need anything, alright?"

I nodded, "don't hesitate to grab anything to eat on your way out."

"Will do."

I sighed as I looked down at my baby girl as she unlatched herself from my chest as she finished eating and I smiled as I fixed myself up before laying her down beside me at a safe distance so as to not harm her during the night.

And then I let sleep take me under its wings once more.


It's was only 9 when I woke up and got ready for the day. All four boys were still asleep, so I decided to start on breakfast and lunch. Gia had woken up once while I was preparing breakfast. Tanner and Gabe had woken up around the same time while Aros ans Asher woke up just as I was plating their food.

"Mama?" Aros asked as they sat around table and I hummed.

"Yeah baby?" I asked him as I fed Gia while also helping Gabe with his meal.

"Where's daddy?" He asked and I bit my cheek as I didn't know where my husband was.

"Working, baby." I answered and he frowned.

"But he worked yestewday," Tanner stated and I nodded, "he say he come home yestewday."

"I know baby bug," I replied, "he probably had a lot of work, bub, and he must've fallen asleep over there."

"He promise he come home yestewday," Tanner said as his eyes watered and lip trembled, "daddy lied."

"Hey now," I said as I stood up from my chair being careful lot to jostle Gia too much before crouching in front of him, "I'm sure daddy didn't mean to lie."

He sniffled as tears rolled down his cheeks and it brown my heart to see him and his brothers all with sad faces. "Daddy will be home soon." I hope.

"No wike daddy," Asher mumbled and I swallowed the lump in my throat at his words, but I knew he was just saying that because Gio wasn't home. And because he had broken his promise to them.

I didn't know what to say to that so instead I said, "Eat up loves, then we can go play outside with uncles Jonah and Micah."

Jonah and Micah both gave me sad smiles as they stood watch. They had already eaten as they had gone to the local cafe earlier this morning while we slept. They did leave guards to watch over us during their short leave, though.

Sniffles and the sound of the boys eating was all you could hear in the kitchen as they finished their meals, "go wash up." I headed down to mine and Gio's bedroom to change both Gia and myself, before heading back to the living room where the boys were waiting for me. "Ready?"

"Yes mama," they replied and so all us headed outside with Kaluah and Astro who barked making the boys giggle before they were running through the yard as the two dogs chased after them.

"I'm guessing still no word from the Boss?" Jonah asked as he joined me on the grass and I nodded.

"And you?"

"Nothing," he answered and I nodded as I watched the boys and the dogs playing in the corner with Micah watching over them.

"He always calls or at least sent a message to let me know if plans changed," I muttered while rocking Gia's stroller when she whined.

Jonah didn't say anything as we sat in silence watching the boys. Jonah soon stood and smiled, "don't worry too much. Nico, I'm sure the Boss will be home soon." I bit my lip and nodded before looking back at the scene before me. Asher, Tanner and Asher were playing on the sandbox while Astro and Kaluah laid beside them. Gabe had tired himself out and came to lay beside me in the blanket before dozing off.

After another hour of playing in the yard, Jonah picked Gabe up who whined at being moved, we headed inside.

Once the three oldest boys had eaten their lunch, they had gone to their room and when I went to check I then, they were fast asleep cuddled up together on Aros' bed. I smiled as closed the door leaving it cracked a little in case one or all four of them woke up before checking on Gia.

After that I made my way back down the hall just as my phone began to ring from its place on the coffee table.

I chewed on my lip as I saw Gio's name flash on the screen. It was 1 in the afternoon, exactly 23 hours and 20 minutes since Gio and I last spoke.

"You better have a good reason as to why you didn't call to say you weren't coming home last night," I said as I answered the call.

It was silent on the other end of the line but I knew he was there and he heard as I could hear him breathing, "the boys are upset because you didn't come home like you promised."

"I know," he finally spoke, "and fuck, I didn't mean to break my promise to them."

"You could have at least called, Giovanni." I stated making him suck in a breath. Ever since we met, I've never used his full name not even when I was mad but this was the first time I did and he knew that if I ever called him by his full name then I was hurt and pissed. "I wouldn't have cared if you didn't come home last night if we didn't have children that depend on both of us to be there for them to protect them."

"I know and fuck, baby I'm sorry," he said, "I would've called but something came up and I completely forgot, and I know that's not an excuse to not call to let you know that I wouldn't be coming home."

"When you decide to come home, know you have a lot of making up to do, not to me but to your sons." I said before adding, "and know you'll be sleeping in the guest room."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now