69. Nico

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"Mama?" I looked down at Aros who had walked up beside me and hummed, "is grandpa going to be okay?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat at the simple question before giving my oldest son a smile and a nod.

"Of course, my love," I said as I ran my fingers through his slightly long hair. I should ask Jonah if he'd be able to give the boys a hair cut soon.

"Will daddy catch the bad guy who hurt grandpa?" Tanner asked next as he joked us on the sofa.

"Yes," Asher said with a nod, "daddy strong."

"Miss daddy," Gabe mumbled as he cuddled into my side.

Gio had gone off to find Ronan who had been the one responsible for shooting Uncle Mickey a few days ago right around the time that Gio and I were preparing for Asher and Gabe's 4th and 3rd birthdays.

"I miss him too," I replied pressing a kiss to Gabe's head, "but he'll be home soon."

It had been nearly five hours since he left and I still haven't gotten a call or a text from Gio saying that he's coming home or anything.

He had told me about finding out the shooter's identity when he came upstairs to grab his weapons.

"What's going on? Why are you getting your guns?"I had asked him as I watched him as I held Valentina in my arms. Aros, Tanner, Asher and Gabe were in the living room watching Pokemon on Netflix while Gia napped in her room across the hall from mine and Gio's bedroom.

It had been nearly five hours since he left, and I still haven't gotten a call or a text from Gio saying that he's coming home or anything. He had told me about finding out the shooter's identity when he came upstairs to grab his weapons.

Gio looked at me with a firm expression, his eyes filled with determination. "I found out who shot your uncle, and I'm going to put an end to this once and for all."

Fear gripped my heart as I gazed at Gio. Our lives were forever changed when Uncle Mickey was brutally targeted, and Gio was consumed with vengeance to bring justice for him. The once peaceful atmosphere of our family had been shattered, and I found myself on constant edge, worrying about the safety of my husband and our children.

"Promise me you'll be careful," I pleaded, my voice betraying my inner anxiety.

Gio reached out and caressed my cheek, his touch both comforting and gripping. "I promise, my love. I'll do whatever it takes to protect our family."

With those words, he grabbed his gear and disappeared into the dark night, leaving me alone with our children, uncertain of what lay ahead. The minutes turned into hours, as anxiety began to eat away at me. The kids were feeling it too, as they grew restless and unable to focus on the TV show.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I felt a mix of relief and dread. Relief that Gio had made it back home, but dread over the unknown outcome of his mission. I cast my gaze at the clock, wondering when he would walk through the door.

Just as the clock struck eight, the front door swung open, causing all the kids to jump up in excitement. Gio stood there, a mix of exhaustion and victory on his face. He had a deep gash on his cheek, but it seemed like a badge of honor.

"Daddy!" Aros exclaimed, rushing over to embrace his father.

Gio knelt down, embracing Aros tightly. "I'm home, buddy. Grandpa is going to be okay, and the bad guy won't be causing any more harm."

One by one, each of our children rushed into Gio's open arms, showering him with love and relief. As they all rejoiced in his safe return, I couldn't help but shed tears of gratitude. Gio had once again put his life on the line to protect our family, and we were forever grateful for his strength and bravery.

And as I tucked each of my children into bed that night, I whispered words of love and reassurance, knowing that our family had weathered yet another storm, and we would emerge stronger than ever before.


"Hello?" I heard and turned to see Gio sitting up with his inkjet clasped against his, "I'll let him know, thank you Kenzie."

He hung up the phone and sat it back down on the nightstand before turning to face me with a tired smile.

"Did she say anything about Uncle Mickey?" I asked him and he nodded, "Is he okay? Did anything happen?"

"He's awake and recovering," Gio replied with a sigh. "The surgery was successful, and there's hope for his full recovery."

Relief flooded over me, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of gratitude. "Thank goodness. It's been such a difficult time for all of us."

Gio nodded, his eyes filled with exhaustion. "It has, but we'll get through it together. Our family is strong, and we'll support each other no matter what."

I reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for everything you've done to protect us, Gio. I don't know where we'd be without you."

He smiled softly, his thumb caressing the back of my hand. "I'd do anything for you and our children. You're my world, and I'll always be here to keep you safe."

In that moment, I knew we had come out of this ordeal stronger than ever before. Our love and dedication to our family had pulled us through, and together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As we settled back into bed, wrapped in each other's arms, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. The storm may have brought chaos and uncertainty, but it had also reminded me of the strength and resilience of our family.

And as I closed my eyes, I whispered a silent prayer of gratitude. Grateful for the safety of our loved ones, grateful for Gio's strength and determination, and grateful for the love that held us all together.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now