17. Nico

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*right before the events of the last chapter*

"I've been wondering," a voice said from behind me and I sighed turning my head to see Taylor, the guy who's always on my case and saying that I'm bad at dancing, "how did you even manage to afford to go to this school when you don't have any money."

I rolled my eyes and turned away from him to finish packing my things since my class was over. Of course the male behind me didn't take it nicely considering he took my bag and dumped all of its contents out and I sighed. "I'm talking to you, and I demand an—"

"You don't need to know how I got in," I replied turning to him and he smirked.

"You fucked the chairman didn't you, that's how you got in," he laughed and I just stared at him. I rolled my eyes as his stupidity and began gathering all of my things that were on the ground thanks to the idiot standing over me.

"I demand an answer," he replied.

"Why do you care how he got in?" I heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Jonah standing in the doorway of the room making Taylor glare, "why do you care so much about how Nico got into school?"

"Because useless people like him don't belong here," Taylor replied making my friend smirk.

"Then that means you don't either then?" Jonah asked pushing away from the doorway and walked into the room making Taylor back away from me giving me all the time I can to finish gathering my things from the ground and packing them away, "because last time I checked you haven't been asked to do a solo performance since the semester began not even when Nico had gotten injured."

"I got in because my parents know the director," Taylor said with a smug smile making me roll my eyes.

"Then the director only let you in because your his buddies kid not because you were good at dancing," Jonah stated as I stood up, Taylor only glared at Jonah who didn't look phased one bit, "nothing to say? Then that means I'm right, you got in because your mommy and daddy are friends with the director not because of your talent or lack of," he smirked before looking at me, "are you ready to go?"

I nodded as I grabbed my hoody from the chair that Taylor decided to grab out of my hands only to land on his ass when Jonah intervened, "never, do you understand, ever do that again."

Taylor stared at him with wide eyes as my friend took my hoody back and handed it back to me, "let's go, Gio must be wondering why we're taking so long to get home," I nodded and together we left the room and a stunned Taylor behind.

"You didn't have to do that," I said referring to him making Taylor fall seconds ago and my idiot of a friend only shrugged.

"He deserved it for all the times he's been on your case and for what he said just now about you sleeping with the director," he replied and sighed, "the fucking asshole doesn't know shit and I swear to you that one day all of his mistreatments will come bite him in the ass."

I only sighed as I followed him out to the building and to his car. I don't even know why I was even accepted into this school without much as a background check and to see if I could even afford it. Which means I need to do some much needed research on to who the director is and why I was accepted into the academy.

"What's with that look?" Jonah asked suddenly making me jump.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking over at him since he had stopped at a red light.

"You've got that thinking look of yours," he replied before driving once again when the light changed to green and I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"I've also been wondering why I got in since I've only been in the states for a short time and didn't have money to pay for my tuition," I said making him look over at me for a split second before his focus was back in the road, "It makes no sense whatsoever ever for me to be admitted to the academy without a background check or anything of that sort."

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