66. Gio

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*six months later*

June 2,2024 (Nico is 9 months along)

The months following Nico and my pregnancy announcement went by in a blur of anticipation and excitement. As we waited for our little bundle of joy to arrive, I marveled at how Nico's body transformed to accommodate and nurture our growing baby. It was a beautiful process, filled with wonder and awe.

Nico's body underwent incredible changes, both physical and emotional. His once slender frame blossomed into a round belly, a visible testament to the life growing inside him. I watched in amazement as his skin stretched to accommodate the miracle happening within. Each day, he would lovingly stroke his belly, whispering words of love and encouragement to our unborn child.

As the months went by, Nico's emotions were in constant flux. One moment he would be filled with pure joy and excitement, imagining what our little one would look like, what their personality would be like. And then, moments later, he would be overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, worried about being a good parent, about the world they would be born into.

I did my best to reassure him, reminding him of the strong, caring man he was. I would hold his hand and tell him that together, we would navigate this new journey of parenthood. He would smile at me, his eyes filled with gratitude and love.

But it wasn't just his physical and emotional changes that captivated me. Nico's creativity also flourished during this time. He was determined to create the most enchanting nursery for our baby. With the help of our four sons, we transformed the spare room into a whimsical space filled with pastel-colored walls, soft fabrics, and adorable toys.

Aros, our oldest son, took charge of painting the walls. He carefully selected shades of pale yellow and mint green, creating a soothing and peaceful atmosphere. His artistic abilities amazed us, as he effortlessly brought to life a dreamy sky filled with fluffy white clouds.

Tanner, our second oldest, enthusiastically picked out the furniture and decoration. He wanted the nursery to be filled with warmth and comfort, just like his own bedroom. He chose a soft rocking chair, a cozy crib, and a beautiful mobile of stars and elephants. The space was transformed into a sanctuary of love and tranquility.

Asher, our third son, spent hours carefully arranging stuffed animals and toys around the room. His gentle touch and attention to detail made the nursery come alive with playful animals and little characters. He would often sit on the floor, lost in his own world of imagination, making up stories and adventures for the toys.

And lastly, little Gabe, the youngest of our boys, found joy in helping to organize the tiny clothes and blankets. His little hands would carefully fold each item, his eyes gleaming with delight. He would giggle with excitement as he carefully placed everything in the drawers and shelves, knowing that soon the baby would be wrapped in these soft fabrics.

Gia, being the littlest of the kids, just sat in the corner playing with her toys. Too young to understand what was happening, but she could sense the joy in the room. She giggled and babbled to herself, unknowingly adding her own touch of innocence and happiness to the preparation.

Nico did wake up with mild contractions this morning which didn't surprise me considering he was two days from giving birth to our baby.

"Call me if the contractions get worse,"I told him and he fondly rolled his eyes with a smile, "I mean it."

"I know," he replied, "now go, you're behind enough as it is."

I sighed and nodded, "love you, be back as soon as possible." I told him as I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. All four of our boys were playing in the yard with their dogs, Jonah and Ariel watching over them.

"Love you too," he replied as he lightly traced my jaw before taking in a deep breath as contractions hit him.

"Maybe I s-"

"No," he replied cutting me off already knowing what I was about to say, "you will not postpone your work because of me. It's your duty as the leader of this gang to keep us safe and secure. And your men need to know that their Don won't neglect his duties."

His determination and love for our family amazed me once again. I took a moment to appreciate the incredible man I had by my side. With a final glance, I left our home to fulfill my duties, knowing that Nico would soon give birth to our precious child.

I sent both Jonah and Ariel a text to keep an eye on Nico while I was in the office, their reply was instant with "don't worry Boss, we'll keep an on him and the kids while you're working downstairs."

I sighed and stepped into the elevator and pressing the ground floor where my home office was.

"Let's get this shit over with." I muttered as I walked inside and close the door behind me.


Two hours later, I received a call from Jonah telling me that Nico's water broke and that he was rushing him to the infirmary. Without a moment's hesitation, I dropped the file, scattering papers across the floor, and practically flew out of the office. Running down the long empty hallway, my heart pounded in my chest, nerves and excitement mingling within me. The sound of my hurried footsteps echoed through the corridor, matching the pace of my racing thoughts.

As I entered the infirmary, I saw nurses bustling around, preparing for the imminent arrival of our baby. The room was filled with the sound of beeping machines and whispered conversations, but all my attention was focused on Nico. He lay in the hospital bed, his face contorted in pain, his grip on the sheets tight. Sweat glistened on his forehead, evidence of the intense physical exertion he was experiencing.

I rushed to his side, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement. I took his hand in mine, offering what little comfort I could. His eyes met mine, and in that moment, I saw a mixture of determination and vulnerability. Nico was strong, but in this moment, he allowed himself to show a glimpse of the fear he held within.

Kenzie and the nurses worked diligently, guiding Nico through each painful contraction, reassuring him that our baby would soon be in our arms. I watched in awe as the medical team moved swiftly and with grace, their expertise evident in every action. They were the true heroes, helping to bring life into this world.

The hours seemed to blur together as Nico's labor progressed. My mind was filled with a mix of anticipation and worry. Would our baby be healthy? Would Nico be okay? I stared at the machines monitoring Nico's vital signs, clinging to the hope that everything would turn out alright.

And then, finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I heard the cry of our baby. It was a sound that pierced through the chaos, filling the room with pure joy and relief. Tears welled up in my eyes as the doctor gently placed our baby in Nico's arms.

"Oh Gio," Nico whispered as he held our baby in his arms, tears streaming down his face, "she's absolutely perfect." The sight of Nico cradling our baby girl filled my heart with a love I had never known. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as we marveled at the miracle of life we had created.

I reached out to touch her tiny hand, awe and tenderness washing over me. Our daughter had familiar features, a blend of both Nico and myself. She had Nico's long eyelashes and my chin. We were united in our love for her, but she was undeniably her own unique person.

"She sure is, Angel." I replied as I held them close and pressed a kiss to his temple. He sighed as he leaned close and rested his head on my chest.

"Have you thought of names for her?" Kenzie asked after she had cleared the room and we nodded after we exchanged looks.

"Her name will be Valentina Juliana," I said as I gently ran a finger down her soft cheek.

Nico looked up and smiled, "your grandma would be so excited to know you carry her name," he murmured pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"And your grandpa as well," I replied as she carried my father's name much like she carried Nico's mother's name.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now