2. Gio

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I glared at the idiots standing in front of me making them tremble in their shoes as they avoided my glare. They fucking had one job and they couldn't even do it right. I was pissed. No, scratch that, I was fucking livid.

I stood from my chair, the only noise in the hall was the sound of my feet hitting the tiled floors as I made my way down the steps. I could see my men on both sides of the hall shaking.

"Care to tell me why I don't have the money that I ordered you all to get me when I sent you on a mission this morning" I said, my voice leveled and they all knew that I was livid. I could see them visibly swallow, no one stepping forwards to tell me why I was missing more than half a million dollars worth of merchandise and over three million dollars that they were supposed to get from my clients.


I walked back down the isle before standing in front of one of my guys and grabbed him by the front of his shirt making him tense as our eyes locked making me sneer at him and he quickly avoided my gaze. "Care to tell me what the fuck happened that you and everyone in this line failed to do what I ordered."

"W-we had it under control and we were only seconds from getting the merchandise and the money when out of the blue we were being shot at," he replied and I could practically hear his heart racing in his chest, "we knew that we would get in trouble if we left the warehouse without the merchandise and money but we all made a dash decision and left before any of us could get hurt."

"You failed to do what I ordered you to do, you were cowards," I hissed letting him go just as the front doors of the mansion opened and my righthand man along with his team walked into the foyer, "this will be the only time that I will let this slide but fail me again when I order you to do something, best believe that you will never see the light of day again, do I make myself clear?"

"YES BOSS!" They yelled and I clenched my job.

"Leave, your presence sickens me," I growled and the hall was empty in seconds leaving Delta and the others behind, "you better have good news or else."

"Of course I do. Why do you think I'm your right hand?" He asked with a smirk making me roll my eyes, "remember when Gabriel called and said that he saw a group of the rival gang around?"

"Yes," I replied waiting for him to continue as I took by seat behind my desk.

"Turns our they were Billy's guys," Delta, aka Conner Michelson, replied making me raise a brow, " Gabe supposedly said that he heard one of them say that Billy is planning on attacking the hideout within the next three weeks because to him, you're weak considering you're the only mafia leader in New York that still hasn't found a Donna to help you," he rolled his eyes with a scoff.

I clenched my jaw, as I glared at nothing in particular. Billy Ramos, was one of my many enemies. He has been trying to destroy me since I became the leader of the Greeks five years ago after my father, Santiago, was killed during a raid. I promised that one day that I would find and destroy the bastards that killed the only family I had left. It didn't surprise me in the least when word got out that it had been Billy's guys that had cornered my father and killed him along with thirty of our trusted men and women.

My father taught me everything that I knew from the moment I learned to walk. I killed my first victim when I was 10 years old after watching the bastard kill my mother and five month old sister in cold blood all because my father had kicked him from the gang.

"Did Gabriel say how many of Billy's guys were camping around the mansion?" I questioned Delta who shook his head.

"He didn't specify but he did say that it was more than 20," he stated and I nodded, "do you want me to send Cain, Marco and Landon to stake out Billy's place?"

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