62. Gio

698 31 6

December 14, 2023

"What the fuck happened?" I asked the three as they sat across from me in my office the following say.

"We don't know," Arrow said running a frustrated hand through his hair, "all we know is that Ronan had Gael pinned to thre wall with a gun to his head threatening to kill him."

"Someone in the gang is a bug," Cam said with a clenched jaw.

"Just what I fucking needed," I gritted as I clenched my hands, "I want you to get everyone in the meeting room." With the den mostly done, we made sure to get the meeting room ready before any other room.

Cam nodded and headed out to gather the rest of the gang. Arrow and Gael walked beside me to the meeting room.

As we waited for everyone to gather, tension hung in the air like a thick fog. It was hard to believe that one of our own could be a mole, a traitor in our midst. I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and unease as I watched each member file into the meeting room.

Once everyone was seated, I took a deep breath and addressed the group. "Listen up, we have reason to believe that someone in this room is leaking information to the Cobras. We need to figure out who it is and deal with them before they bring us all down."

The room was silent, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on everyone. Suspicions and glances were exchanged, each member trying to gauge the others for any sign of guilt. But no one spoke up, no one admitted to being the mole.

As the tension mounted, Cam stood up and slammed his fist on the table. "Enough of this bullshit! We need to find out who it is, and we need to do it now."

Suddenly, a quiet voice spoke up from the back of the room. "It was me," one of our newer members admitted, looking down at the floor. "I had been in a lunch date with my wife when I was approached by a member of the Cobras. He threatened my family. I had no choice." I clenched my jaw as I looked at the new gang member. His name was Ryland Olivier.

I narrowed my eyes narrowed as I took in the confession. "You let yourself be intimidated by the Cobras? You put all of us at risk with your cowardice," I spat, my voice tinged with anger.

Ryland hung his head in shame, but then he straightened up and looked me in the eye. "I made a mistake, and I take full responsibility for it. But I won't let my family be used against me anymore. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right."

"We can't afford to have any weakness in our ranks. But if you're truly willing to make amends and put in the work to earn our trust, we may be able to work something out," I finally said, my voice firm.

Ryland nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes. "I won't let you down, I promise."

As the meeting continued, the tension in the room seemed to ease slightly. We may have a hiccup in our operation, but with Ryland's commitment to make things right, perhaps we could come out of this even stronger than before. It was a risky move, but maybe, just maybe, we could turn the tables on the Cobras once and for all.


"Are you sure it's a good idea to send Ryland into the lion's lair on his own?" Cam asked as he stood beside me while we watched as Arrow and Jonah got him ready to go to Ronan's hideout.

"He fucked up our operation when he told Ronan that Gael would be pretending to join his gang," I said and he nodded, "and if he's truly loyal to me, this is the only way for him to redeem himself."

Cam sighed, his brow furrowing in concern. "I just worry that Ronan might see this as an opportunity to trap Ryland, knowing he's on thin ice with us," he said.

I bit my lip, feeling the weight of the decision heavy on my shoulders. I couldn't deny that sending Ryland alone into the lion's den was risky, but I also couldn't ignore the need for redemption within our ranks. "We've set up a fail-safe in case things go south," I assured Cam, trying to ease his worries. "And I've made it clear to Ryland that his safety is paramount."

Just then, Arrow and Jonah finished getting Ryland ready, handing him a fake ID and a communication device. Ryland looked determined, his jaw set as he met my gaze. "I won't let you down, boss," he said, his voice filled with determination.

I nodded, giving him a firm pat on the shoulder. "Make sure you keep us informed every step of the way," I instructed, not wanting to leave anything to chance.

As Ryland left for Ronan's hideout, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over me. I could only hope that Ryland's loyalty and determination would see him through the dangerous mission.

Hours passed, and with each passing minute, my anxiety grew. Just when I was about to pick up the communication device to check in on Ryland, it buzzed to life. "I'm in. Ronan bought the story," Ryland's voice came through, filled with relief.

A wave of relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Ryland's risky move was paying off. "Keep us updated, and stay safe," I instructed, feeling a sense of pride in Ryland's quick thinking.

As the hours passed, Ryland continued to relay information from inside Ronan's hideout. He managed to gather crucial details about Ronan's plans, and it seemed that we finally had the upper hand. But just as I was starting to feel confident, the communication device crackled to life again with urgency in Ryland's voice. "We've been compromised. Ronan's men are onto us," he reported, and I cursed. I tried to come up with a plan to extract Ryland safely, but before I could even begin to formulate a strategy, the connection was lost.

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