Epilogue. Gio

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*time skip : 5 years*

Time had flown by in a blink of an eye, and here I was, walking into a house that had transformed over the years. The sound of barking and laughter filled the air, a symphony of joy that resonated deep within my soul. I had been working on important matters in my office, buried in financial documents, trying to ensure the stability of both the gang and my company. But now, as I stepped into the living room, all worries were washed away by the pure happiness that surrounded me.

As I stepped inside the sound of the tv playing the bous favorite show—Pokemon-played in the background as the smell of chicken and shrimp stir fry filled the air making my stomach growl in hunger. Nico was at the stove, cooking as Gia, 6, and Valentina, 5, sat at the dining table drawing away on their sketchbooks. Barks resonated in the hall as the dogs barked upon my entrances alerting my husband and children that I was home.

"Daddy!" Valentina exclaimed, her voice filled with pure happiness as she ran towards me. I caught her in mid-air, her weight nothing compared to the weight of love that plowed through my heart. I lifted her high above my head, her giggles filling the air, and twirled her around. Her laughter resonated with every fiber of my being, a melody that could lift the heaviest of burdens.

Gia and the boys - Aros, Tanner, Asher, and Gabe - soon surrounded me in hugs and welcome home greetings. As they enveloped me in their love, I couldn't help but marvel at how they had grown. Aros, at 13, had become a responsible and caring older brother, always looking out for his siblings. Tanner, 12, had developed a passion for music, his guitar skills filling our home with melodies that touched our souls. Asher, 9, had embraced his love for sports, excelling on the basketball court and soccer field. And Gabe, 8, had a heart full of compassion, his kindness evident in the way he cared for others.

After greeting my children, it was time to greet their mama. Nico, my husband, who had been by my side through thick and thin, greeted me with a warm smile. We shared a deep kiss, earning us playful gestures of disgust from our children. Our love had only grown stronger over the years, withstanding the tests and trials that life had thrown at us. Nico had become a pillar of strength for our family, offering unwavering support and understanding.

"How was work?" Nico asked as he rubbed his baby bump. Yes, five years later, we were expecting our seventh child. Surrounded by the love of our family, we had decided to expand it even further. The news had made our children light up with excitement, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new sibling.

"Work was challenging as always," I replied, embracing Nico tightly. "But coming home to all of you makes everything worth it. How about you? How was your day, love?"

Nico smiled and leaned into me, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "It was a day of preparation and anticipation," he said, placing a hand on his growing belly. "Feeling our little one inside brings me so much joy."

The evening continued with laughter and conversation as we gathered around the dining table, enjoying a delicious meal prepared by Nico. The kids shared stories of their day at school, their latest adventures, and their dreams for the future. It was a precious moment, the room filled with love and dreams.

After dinner, we retreated to the cozy living room, where we curled up on the couch, blankets draped over us. Nico grabbed his guitar, strumming gentle melodies that whispered through the room. The kids sang along, their voices blending harmoniously with the music. It was a moment of pure bliss, a snapshot of a life filled with love and happiness.

As I watched my family, my heart swelled with gratitude. These past five years had been a testament to the power of love and determination. Together, we had faced challenges and overcome obstacles, emerging stronger and more united than ever before.

Time had flown by, yes, but in the most beautiful way. Our house had transformed, not just physically, but emotionally. It was a home filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a bright future. And as we embraced the night, wrapped in each other's arms, I couldn't help but feel immensely blessed and grateful for every moment of this incredible journey.


At 3 in the morning, on July 2, 2029, everything changed. Nico's water broke, and his contractions intensified. We prepared ourselves for the journey to Kenzie's birthing center, ensuring that the kids were safely settled with our closest friends.

The car ride seemed to blur as we raced against the clock, our hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Nico's grip tightened around my hand, seeking comfort in our shared love and anticipation. We arrived at the birthing center, the air pregnant with the scent of life and new beginnings.

Kenzie greeted us with her warm smile, her calm and reassuring presence gliding through the room. She guided us through the process, helping Nico find strength in her breathing exercises. Our love surrounded him, creating a safe and nurturing environment.

Hours passed, each one filled with hope and expectation. And then, with one final push, our son was born. The room filled with cries of joy as we welcomed our baby into the world. It was a moment that embodied the power of love and the miracle of life.

As I held our newborn in my arms, I marveled at the beauty of this tiny being. Our family had grown, our love expanding to encompass another soul. The kids were overjoyed, their faces beaming with pride and excitement. They flocked to us, their eyes filled with awe and tenderness as they welcomed their new sibling into the fold.

In the following days, our home transformed once again. The sound of a baby's cries and laughter filled the air, blending in with the ever-present symphony of joy that resonated within our walls. The gang and my company thrived under the stewardship of trusted individuals, allowing me to fully embrace the role of a husband and father.

As I reflect on our journey, I am reminded of the inspired creativity that enriched our lives. Our story is not just about financial stability and success but about the power of love, determination, and the unwavering belief in the beauty of life. We have crafted a tapestry of love, built by the hands and hearts of each member of our family.

And as I gaze upon the smiling faces that surround me, I know that our future is bright and filled with endless possibilities. Together, we will continue to face whatever challenges come our way, gathering strength from the deep well of love that binds us. The next chapter of our lives awaits, and inspired by the creativity that has brought us this far, we will seize it with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace the beauty that awaits us.

"I'll always choose you," I whispered to Nico as we laid in bed and he smiled as he ran his finger tips down my cheek, "in every life that comes after this one, it will always be be you."

"You have my heart and my soul," he whispered back and o smiled before sealing our love with a kiss.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now