15. Nico

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"Where are we going?" I asked Gio after we drove aimlessly for the past hour and he just shrugged making me raise a brow

"Nowhere just wanted to get you out of the house for a while since we haven't spent any time together," he replied making me look down at my hands biting my bottom lip, "and it's okay, Nico, I don't blame you for being scared after what you saw last week,"

"I'm sorry," I murmured before jumping when I felt his hand on mine giving it a light squeeze,

"As I said, I don't blame you for being scared," he replied but I shook my head and I felt him look over at me and I sighed before looking up to see we had stopped at the café where we first met. It's crazy to think that it's been more than five months now since that first day we cross paths. And not here we were once again back at the same place where our lives changed forever. So many things have happened since then that I've lost track.

All I know is that had Gio not visited that café all those months ago, then there was a big chance that Patrick would have found me and done far worse than what he managed to do before he was killed. It hurt to think that the only living relative I had was capable of something so disgusting as what he did to me when I was only a child. A child that had lost his parents in a tragic car accident and had no idea what his life would be like from that day onward.

I blinked as I felt a thumb gently wipe a tear away making me look up to see Gio looking at me with a worried frown and I took a deep breath and smiled shaking my head, "sorry, I don't know why I'm crying," I felt my lip tremble and all he did was pull me towards him as I broke down.

I don't even know how long we sat there with him holding me while I cried my eyes out because by the time I had calmed down, I was tired and my eyes hurt from crying.

"It's okay to cry," he said after a while making me look over at him, "I cry at times too,"

I sniffles blinking my bloodshot eyes at him and he smiled, "there are times when I want to just give it all up," he said I furrowed my brows sniffling and wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my hoody, "even guys like me cry when things get too hard, Nico. So like I said, it's okay to cry when you're upset but know that I'm always here if you ever need me,"

"Th-thank you," I replied after I regained my composure. I took a deep breath before saying, "it just hurts you know?" He didn't say anything and just waited for me to continue and I was grateful, "I lost my parents when I was 5 and I was alone without knowing if I had any relatives and then Patrick showed up out of the blue claiming to be my uncle and of course me being a naive five year old believed him and went to live with him in London, I used to live in Doncaster. He was good to me for a few months before he showed his true colors," he only clenched his jaw as he knew what happened that considering what he witnessed a few months ago when I was kidnapped by Patrick.

"Though I can't fix what that bastard did to you in the past, I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure that you're safe," he said leaning over and pressing a kiss to my forehead making me stiffen at the action as it had taken me by surprise, "I will keep you safe, always, Nico, no matter what,"


"Sorry for bre-" I was saying when Gio cut me off

"Don't ever apologize for crying, okay?" He asked and I swallowed the knot that formed in my throat before nodding, "good, if you ever feel like crying again, come to me and I'll be your crying shoulder,"

"Okay," I replied with a smile and he smiled back before turning his attention bald to the road, and yes we did get our drinks after my breakdown—well he went inside while I o remained in the car considering I was a wreck and I didn't want people looking at me and thinking the worst so I gave Gio my order before he headed inside. And now we were currently heading back to the house after he received a message from Crow. I was still confused and a little intrigued to know what he has planned considering he took me out the moment he showed up in the lobby after Crow had gone to get him.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now