5. Nico

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I don't know where I am or how I got here. All I remember was driving back to my shared apartment after that man, Gio, stepped in when Patrick was harassing me than nothing. When I got my bearings back, I realized that I was naked safe for my boxers which was a relief. Tears instantly filled my eyes as I heard the door of the room begin to open before he walked in, my blood instantly leaving me as fear engulfed me the moment our eyes locked.

I watched as he walked in but staid by the foot of the bed with a smirk plastered in his lips which sent chills throughout my body making me whimper in fear. He chuckled as he watched me as I silently cried and begged him to let me go. All he did was watch me for a few seconds before going to the corner of the room where I noticed was a camera and swallowed the lump in my throat as he pressed a button and a little red light flashed  indicating that it was recording.

He walked towards me before grabbing me roughly by the chin making me wince and said "You haven't changed at all since the last time I saw you even if it's been 5 months,"

"Please let go" I whimpered as I tried to free myself from Patrick's grip but he only held on to my chin harder my eyes filling with tears as fear buried itself deep in my chest

"You have no fucking idea what you've caused me by running off the way you did five months ago, Nicolas. You really thought that I'd never find you, did you? Well you must be pretty stupid to have thought that because here I am and you will pay"

I began to shake one omg what the had planned and why I was here. Bile rose in my throat as I cried, "Stop please," as Patrick began kissing my naked chest and all I could do was shake with tears rolling down my face as I tried to get Patrick off me but with him being stronger than me and though I've gotten a little stronger in the past five-month, he easily grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head and continued his assault, "p-please"

I felt him bite down on my nipple making me whimper in pain as I tried over and over to get him to let go but nothing. I could still see the little red light flashing behind him and felt more tears roll down my face.

"Shut up, this is your reward for leaving and costing me millions," Patrick snarled before he backhanded me on the cheek making me whimper as he tied my hands to the bedpost before pulling my only source of cover, my boxers, off leaving me exposed. I swiller the lump in my throat as his eyes raked over my naked body with just in his eyes and I began to cry even more knowing exactly what he was about to do next.

"No, please, no"

He ignored me as usual as he began to trail kisses down my chest and I felt my heart begin to race in my chest as his lips continued their assault on me making me cry and beg him to stop that I didn't want him to do this. But it all went of deaf ears as he took me in his mouth bobbing his head and I sobbed as I tried to free myself from the chains that bound my wrists for me bedpost but nothing. I closed my eyes and tried to picture myself in a different place. A place where none of this was happening. A place where I was safe and away from him.


"You know something?" A familiar voice asked next to me and I tilted my head to the side instantly recognizing him as Giovani

"Hm?" I hummed and he only smiled leaning over and kissing my temple

"That I'm the luckiest bastard in the world" he murmured pulling me closer to him and I felt my heart swell in my chest as his arms held me tight against him

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now