25. Nico

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I woke to the bed dipping and turned to see Aros and Tanner climbing onto the bed, making me blink. I thought it was Gio coming home. But having the boys here with me was better than sleeping alone and waiting for news on how the ambush went.

"Mama?" Tanner whispered as he cuddled into me, making me hum, "Daddy?"

"Daddy went to fight the bad guys, just like your favorite superhero, Superman," I murmured, kissing his forehead before doing the same to Aros, who lay on my other side.

"Is he going to be okay, Mama?" Aros asked sleepily, and I smiled

"Of course he is. He's got his friends to help him fight the bad guys." I replied, "Now get some sleep. I'm sure Daddy will be home when we all wake up."

They cuddled in closet before they were both out. It took me a while to get back to sleep, but when I did, the sun was rising on the horizon, and the door to the room opened to reveal a very tired looking Gio. He was surprised to see the boys in bed with me, but it turned into a warm smile as he walked over to the bed and leaned down to kiss each of their foreheads before pressing a kiss to my lips. His once white shirt was stained red with blood, and there was a cut on his cheek.

"Are you hurt?" I whispered not to wake the boys up, and he shook his head.

"Not my blood," he said before adding, "I'm going to take a quick shower. Get some sleep."

I nodded and sighed. I could finally rest easy knowing that he was okay and here, with the boys and me. I felt the bed dip a second later and opened my eyes, "sorry, I didn't mean to wake you,"

"It's okay. I'm just glad you're home," I murmured, cuddling into his side as the boys had decided to cuddle together sometime during the night. I sighed in contentment as his arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer.

I fell into a deep sleep after that with his arms around me.


The sun's brightness shining through the slightly parted curtains woke me up the following morning, making me groan and pull the covers over my face. A chuckle made me pull the covers away and open my eyes to see Gio sitting beside me, fully dressed in a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants with his messy hair.

"You're home," I said, sitting up, and he smiled, nodding, "I thought I was dreaming," he smiled and leaned over to kiss me, but I moved back, making him raise a brow, "morning breath," he rolled his eyes before cupping my cheek and pressing a kiss to my lips. His breath was minty and fresh, making me hum.

"Sorry if I woke you up when I got in," he said, and I shook my head,

"I'm just glad that you got home safe," I replied before climbing out of bed, "where are the boys?"

I realized that the bed was empty aside from just us.

"In the living room watching Cocomelon," He said, making me nod, "they've been up since 8,"

"Wait, what time is it?" I asked when he said that, and he raised a brow and liked at the time on the clock sitting on his nightstand, "And did they eat?"

"It's only ten, and yes, I already fed them and got them ready for the day." He answered. I poked my head out of the bathroom with my toothbrush in my mouth.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"You looked exhausted. It was four when I came in, so I figured it'd be best to let you sleep in for a few hours." He said, leaning in the doorway and watching as I finished brushing my teeth.

"The boys were asking for you last night during dinner," I said once I was done and had rinsed my mouth, "I told them that you were off fighting the bad guys like Superman."

He chuckled and shook his head, "No wonder why Tanner asked if I was Superman."

"He asked you that?" I asked with a chuckle as I got ready for the day, and he hummed as a reply making me smile before sighing, "Please tell me that we don't have to worry about any more people pretending to be his family."

"We don't have to worry about people coming for him pretending to be his or Aros' relatives." He assured, and I looked at him, "I promise. I got rid of them all; that's why I got home so late."

I nodded, and he walked over to me and pulled me into his arms before he pressed a kiss to my head, "Just like you no longer have to worry about Patrick's clients or allies coming for you either."

"Have I ever thanked you for that?" I asked, looking up at him, and he smiled, "thank you for always choosing me and protecting me when you didn't have to. When we met, you could've kept walking, yet you helped me when I needed you the most."

"I've told one before; I will always choose you, Nico. Over everything and anything. You and the boys are the only things that keep pushing me to be the best version of myself. Because of you, I'm a better person, and I thank you for being with me and giving me a reason to keep living." He said, and I smiled, cupping the back of his neck before pulling him down and pressing my lips to his.

"I love you, now and forever," I whispered when we pulled apart, but he pressed his forehead to mine.

"And I love you for always."

We stood like that for a few seconds before we pulled apart, and I finished getting dressed before we headed to the living room where Tanner and Aros were watching TV.

"Mama!" Tanner grinned when he saw me and climbed off the couch before running over to me, "Daddy, home!" He pointed towards Gio, making me smile, and reached won to pick him up before kissing him on the temple as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I see that. Didn't I tell you Daddy was a superhero and that he would be okay?" I asked, and he nodded his head.

"He fights bad guys," Tanner said, "he superhero!" I chuckled at his exclamation.

"He is," I agreed before turning to Gio and Aros, "What do you boys want for lunch?" I asked, turning to Tanner, who had a thinking face. His eyebrows furrowed, and his tongue stuck out of his lips.

"PB&J sandwich, Mama," Aros said, and Tanner's eyes brightened as he nodded his head.

"One PB&J sandwich and one peanut butter and banana sandwich it is," I said, knowing that Tanner didn't like jelly and only ever wanted to have bananas with peanut butter in his sandwich.

We made our way to the kitchen/dinning room where I sat Tanner on his booster seat while Gio helped Aros onto his.

I moved around the kitchen grabbing the bread—white for Aros and honey wheat for Tanner—along with the peanut butter, strawberry jelly and banana before I began making them each a sandwich. Once their food was done, I made Gio and I a sandwich of our own which was a grilled chicken, avocado and mayo sandwich in a French Baguette bread. I sliced all four sandwiches in half once they were all done and carried them to the table placing them in front of each of them.

Gio had already gotten the boys and us drinks while I was working on the sandwiches.

"Dig in."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now