46. Gio

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February 9, 2023 (baby is seven weeks old)

Four weeks.

It's been four weeks since Aros' biological parents showed up at my home demanding we hand him over.

In those four weeks, Arrow and his team have located over 100 children, women, and men that have been sold for drugs by the people who we're supposed to love them. I didn't want Nico to be part of any of that but when black SUVs showed up at the house bringing the terrified children and adults after their rescue, Nico was the first to give them a sense of safety and security and was able to get them to relax and trust us.

"You're safe here," he said when a young man in his late 20s refused to let anyone touch him and I couldn't blame him. No one could blame any of them as they had gone through something traumatic and painful as being sold off for drugs. "I promise no one will ever hurt you. My husband will make sure of that, right Gio?"

"Yes," I agreed, and the young man along with the rest of the group looked my way, "you're safe here, and I will make sure that the people responsible for causing you pain pay the price."

"Come, you all need to be seen by the doctor to make sure you're okay," Nico said after that as he led them away.

"What now Boss?" Arrow asked as we watched them walk away. Little children were carried by the adults despite them having no relation to them. I clenched my jaw at the fear and pain they held in their eyes as they stood in front of us just moments ago.

"We look for the people responsible for their pain," he said looking in the direction in which Nico had gone with the victims.


Arrow, Cam, Jonah, and Summer were in my office as we went over the plan. Cam had hacked the servers and managed to locate each of their locations. Turned out that Aros' egg and sperm donors owe 4.5 million dollars to one of New York's biggest traffickers but the bastard had three underlings working for him. They each controlled a section of New York. His right hand, Mariano LaCoast, was in charge of the north side, Elias Goncalves, was responsible for the west while Terrence Santiago ruled the east.

Today their ruling ends.

"We'll take the west." Summer said and I nodded, "I'll gather my team and we'll go on your order, Boss."

She left soon after that, the next was Jonah who said he and his team will take the north and Arrow was to take the east. I would be dealing with Martin Maximilian the head of the trafficking organization. He and his underlings messed with the wrong Boss.

"Cam, you'll be our eyes and ears," I said looking at my cousin who nodded and he continued to type on the computer.

"I've sent each one of you the locations of each group." He said and I nodded as I checked my phone when his message came in. I pressed on the location and saw he was close by but that could also mean he sent a decoy to mess us up. "I sent you all multiple locations in case the ones you got first are not where they are."

"Good," I said, "I want every camera in the city hacked and monitored. I want notifications every second."

"Already on it," he stated as I went to my closet while moving a few items away before a small panel in the wall came into view. I put in the passcode and a second later it clicked. I grabbed the briefcase that was situated inside before closing the little door and putting in the code once more.

"I downloaded an app on all of your phones that connects to all of the surveillance cameras around New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. I've also hacked the tolls in case they decided to leave the state." My brilliant cousin said as I placed the case on the desk and opened it to reveal my Colt M1911A1. This gun had been owned by my father and grandfather. It went back 100 years.

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