63. Nico

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Gio told me that a new member of the gang had been the culprit behind the revelation about the infiltration to Ronan's hideout by Gael. He had gathered the gang for a meeting where he had explained that there was a bug among them which eventually had the new member, Ryland Olivier, spilling when he had betrayed Gio. And so to redeem himself, Ryland agreed to help Gio infiltrate Ronan's hideout and get information from the man that had been behind the bombing of the den a few months ago which had forced Gio to make the decision of taking us and our kids to our new home in SoHo.

"How long do you think you'll be fine for?" I had asked as I watched him gather his weapons and hide them behind his back and inside his shoes.

"Hopefully not long," he said as he stood up and walked up to me, laying a hand on my belly, "I won't be alone either, Cam and Arrow will be there as backup along with a few other members of the gang."

I nodded, trying to hide the worry that was gnawing at my insides. This was risky, and I didn't want Gio putting himself in danger, especially with the baby on the way. But I knew better than to argue with him when he was set on something.

As Gio left, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. I spent the day trying to distract myself with chores and keeping an eye on the kids, but my mind kept wandering back to Gio and the dangerous mission he was on.

I looked at the time and it was close to ten pm and I still hadn't gotten a call or message from Gio letting me know if he was okay and when he'll be coming home.

"Mama?" I looked down at the sound of Gabe's voice to see him by the door of mine and Gio's room rubbing his eyes.

"Baby why are you up this late?" I asked getting out of bed and walking over to him and picking him up.

"I couldn't sleep, I miss Daddy," Gabe said, his little voice trembling with worry.

I scooped him up in my arms and hugged him tightly, trying to reassure him that everything would be okay. But inside, I was worried too.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a message from Gio. He said that Ryland had successfully infiltrated Ronan's hideout and was gathering information. But there was a problem – Ronan had discovered their presence and things were getting dangerous.

I felt a surge of panic, but I knew I had to stay strong for Gabe and our unborn child. I quickly called Cam and Arrow, urging them to go help Gio.

As I waited for updates, I tried to keep Gabe distracted and calm. It felt like hours had passed before I finally received a call from Cam. They had managed to get Gio and Ryland out safely, but not without a fight.

Relief flooded through me as I realized that Gio was okay. I held Gabe close, feeling grateful and thankful that our family was still intact.

As Gio returned home, battered but alive, I couldn't help but realize the sacrifices he made for our safety. Our life may be chaotic and dangerous at times, but as long as we were together, we could face anything. And for that, I was eternally grateful.


"How is Ryland?" I asked as I walked into the infirmary the following day. Gio had told me that he was badly injured during the extraction.

"He's stable for now," the doctor replied, "but he'll need time to recover."

I nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for the role Ryland had played in all of this. But Gio assured me that Ryland had made a choice to redeem himself, and that was something worth acknowledging. As I watched over Ryland in the infirmary, I couldn't help but think about the danger that always seemed to be looming over us. But as long as we had each other, I knew we could overcome anything. And with a baby on the way, I was more determined than ever to keep our family safe.

Despite all the risks and challenges we faced, I was grateful for the family we had – imperfect and unconventional as it may be. And as long as we had each other, we would always find a way to persevere.

I headed back to our home where I found Gio sitting on the ground playing with the boys while Gia slept soundly in her portable bassinet.

"Mama!" The boys exclaimed waking Gia in the process who whimpered before bursting into cries.

I quickly picked her up and comforted her as Gio helped the boys settle down. As I held Gia in my arms, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the family we had created. Despite the chaos and danger that seemed to follow us, moments like these made it all worth it.

As we all sat down for dinner that evening, I looked around at the faces of the people I loved most in the world. We may not have a conventional family, but we had each other, and that was all that mattered.

The next few days were a blur as we adjusted to our new normal. We celebrated Gia's first birthday, Christmas and New Year and despite the challenges we faced, we were happy. Ryland eventually recovered and was back on his feet, ready to join us in whatever adventure came next.

As we sat around the fire on New Year's Eve, I thought about everything we had been through in the past year. The danger, the chaos, and the uncertainty. But through it all, we had stuck together and come out stronger on the other side. Our non-traditional family had proven to be our greatest strength, and I was thankful for every member of it.

As the clock struck midnight, we all hugged and cheered, welcoming the new year with hope and determination. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew we could conquer them as long as we had each other. And as we looked to the future, I was grateful for the family we had built, knowing that together, we could face anything that came our way.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now