60. Gio

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*2 months later*

December 13, 2023

It's been two months now since Nico told me he was pregnant with our sixth child and to say I was shocked when he had told me would be an understatement. We already had five kids—one who was barely one—and the thought of adding another one to the mix was overwhelming. But as the weeks went by, the idea of welcoming a new member into our family started to grow on me.

The following day before I took Tanner, Aros and Asher to school, Nico and I sat them and Gabe down after breakfast to tell them the news that Nico was pregnant.

"Yay!" Tanner exclaimed making Gia jump at the sudden sound before she began giggling when she saw her brothers jumping up and down with excitement.

"Alright you three, time to get going," I said making them whine but stand nonetheless, "you'll have a week off from school soon."

The weeks after telling the boys the new of them having a new baby sibling, Nico and I we booked all the appointments we needed to make up until now with Kenzie who did all the tests needed to be done.

"What theme should we throw for Gia's first birthday?" Nico asked as we sat in the living room brainstorming ideas. It's crazy to believe that she was turning one next week. It feels like it was just yesterday that Nico and I were bringing her home after being in the NICU for a little over three months due to her being born at 21 weeks. Kenzie had warned us that her chances of survival were slim, but she had fought through all the odds and was now a happy, healthy baby girl. Nico and I couldn't have been more grateful for the miracle that was our daughter.

"How about a princess theme?" I suggested.

Nico smiled and nodded. "That could be really cute. We could decorate with pink and gold, and have little crowns for all the guests to wear."

"That sounds adorable," I agreed. "And we could have a little throne for Gia to sit on for photos."

We started to plan out all the details, from the cake to the party favors. As we talked, our excitement grew, and we couldn't wait to see Gia's face light up at her special birthday celebration.

"Are you going to go back to the old house to see how the rebuild is going?" Nico asked after we decided that we did enough of planning for the day. I nodded as I grabbed my jacket from the coat rack and threw it on before grabbing my gun, keys and wallet from the desk drawer by the front door. "Will you be back before dinner?" He raised a brow as he held Gia who was banking to herself on his hip. I smiled and nodded before leaning down to give him a tender kiss on the lips.

"I promise," I replied and he nodded, "I'll be back before dinner." I walked out of our house after that and made my wha down the gravel driveway towards Ang car where Cam, Arrow and Gael were already waiting for me.

"We got news for you," Cam said as soon as I climbed into the driver's seat and turned the engine one with all three climbing in before I drove off towards our former den.

"And what may that be?" I asked looking at Arrow and Gael who sat in the backseat.

"We found Ronan," Gael said making me clench my jaw as my grip on the wheel tightened so hard that my knuckles turned white.

"Where is he?" I I asked making a turn and cursed when I noticed a black car following behind. "Hold on." I made a sharp turn making all three of my passengers curse at the sudden move.

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