50. Gio

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April 11, 2023 (Gia is 3 months and 20 days old)

The following day was hectic to say the least.

Nico had woken up super early to get the nursery ready even though we had stayed up all night last night setting up the final touches since we already had it set before the incident.

Aros had woken up three times during the night with nightmares of getting abducted again. Tanner demanded that we connect all four beds together after Aros' third time waking up. So I, along with the help of Jonah,Cam, Arrow, Micah, and Jacob, moved Tanner, Gabe and Asher's beds next to Aros' bed.

"Kaluah, Astro," I called and they lifted their heads from their front paws, "watch over them." They barked in reply and I nodded, "get some sleep, okay? You're all safe here."

"Promise daddy?" Tanner asked holding his pinky as he and his brothers cuddled up together and I smiled ruffling his hair.

"I promise," I replied hooking my pinky with his, "now sleep."

"Night night daddy," the boys had called out as I made my way to the door, "we love you!"

"I love you,too, see you in the morning." I shut the light off since the nightlight was on and closed the door behind me before making my way back to the living room to thank the guys again for helping with the late night renovation in the boys' room.

"It's no problem at all, Boss," Micah said with a smile that the others mirrored.

"We're happy to help whenever you need us," Arrow stated.

"Thank you, now all of you go home and get some rest," I said and they nodded and after a few more words exchanged, all four men left the apartment and Nico and I went to our room.

"Soon we'll be having a full house," Nico said and I smiled as we climbed into bed with a yawn, "I'm excited."

"Me too, angel," I said as we laid in bed with him resiente his wha son my chest. The moon was casting a nice glow through the partly opened curtains and I smiled. "Let's get some sleep as we have a long day tomorrow."

And now here we were walking down the long corridor of the historial with fourth hyperactive boys chattering away how they couldn't wait to show their baby sister the house not realizing that she was still too little too move around in her own.

They had woken up really early despite Aros' waking up a de storms during the night. They had woke up at 7 and joined Nico and I in bed for another two hours before we woke up and got ready for the day. Nico and I made breakfast while the busy watched their morning cartoons after we got washed up and changed.

"Alright you four, come eat," I called out to them and they jumped off the couch and walked over to the dining table where their plates filled with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast awaited then along with a glass of apple juice (Tanner and Gabe), milk (Asher) orange juice for Aros. Nico and I had coffee as we ate our meal.

"Are we getting sissy today, mama?" Tanner asked as Nico helped Gabe with his food. Nico liked up and nodded with smile.

"Yes, bub, are you excited to go get her?" He asked and Tanner nodded with big grin, "remember you gotta be gentle with her she's still very little, okay?"

"Okay, mama."

Once breakfast was over, with little conversation with the boys all talking about how happy they were that their sister was coming home, Nico and I cleaned up the mess as the bous returned to the living room to watch tv.

"Do you have work today?" Nico asked as he handed me a plate to dry and I nodded.

"Yeah, but it's not until the afternoon," I said as I placed the dried palate in the cupboard before taking a cup from Nico, "Cam is going to be taking over for me until then."

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