47. Nico

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March 9, 2023 (Gia is now 11 weeks old)

"So how does it feel having ice children all under 10?" Jonah asked as he leaned against the counter while I made the boys and Gio lunch. I smiled as I diced up some onions and placed them on the skillet before doing the same with the rest of the ingredients and stirring it before dumping in the chicken and mixing it before putting a lid over it and lowering the heat.

"It's different," I replied, "but a good different. I mean I didn't think we would have more kids for a good while but I suppose the man up there had other plans," I said as I pointed to the ceiling and Jonah nodded, "How about you? How does it feel having a son?"He had taken in one of the boys that had been rescued along with Asher and Gabriel. I've only seen the boy a few times since he's usually at home with Ryland, his boyfriend since he recently moved in with Jonah a few months ago.

"It's new," he replied and I nodded in understanding as it was the same with Gio and I after adding two more kids to our family after just having Gia. "But it's a good new, you know? River and I weren't planning on having kids for a while but after we saw Leo we just knew he was ours."

It's crazy to think that this man standing before me was once my roommate when I first came here. He was always watching for me, making sure I was okay before went to one respective class and our relationship had only grown since then. He's still the same protective man that I met and takes his job as a bodyguard seriously to the point where I would have to remind him that it was okay to have fun and to relax.

"I can't relax until we're home," he would tell me whenever we'd go to the store for groceries or when I need to buy clothes for the kids.

"I doubt anyone would try anything when there are a million witnesses," I'd say and he'd only roll his eyes and say nothing else as he'd follow me from one aisle to the next.

"Why don't you bring Leo over so he could play with boys?" I asked and Jonah nodded, "I'm sure being aprons kiss his age will be good for him and will help him open up more."

"Rylans was thinking the same thing," he said as he leaned against the counter, "Leo is still getting used to being with us. There are nights where he'll wake up screaming in the middle of the night and will refuse to let either of us near him."

I gave him a small smile as I understood him, "Tanner was the same way when we first brought him and Aros home after adoring them," he looked at me and I sighed turning the stove off as dinner was done before moving to sit at the island and he followed a second later, "it took us a while to get him to trust us. All we did was sit with him and promised him that he was safe and little by little he started trusting us and eventually, he started calling Gio and me mama and papa."

"How are Asher and Gabriel adjusting to being with you guys?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Good," I replied, "Tanner and Aros have been helping them adjust and slowly they're learning to trust both Gio and me."

A few more words were exchanged between us before Jonah bid me goodnight and headed home. I, on the other hand, headed down the hall towards the boys' room to get them ready for dinner.

Tanner and Aros helped set the table while Asher and Gabriel were in the living room playing with Kaluah and Astro and I smiled as their giggles filled the air.

And that reminded me, I wanted to ask Gio if we could get them a dog as they would help the boys with their trauma like Kaluah had helped Tanner with his.

"Alright kiddos," I said after I laid down their plates on the table and they looked up and I smiled, "Come on, dinner's ready." They jumped off the couch and walked over to the table and climbed onto their chairs while the dogs sat at my feet and looked up titling their heads making me chuckle, "Alright. Come on you two." I walked to the pantry to grab the dog food and they sat at their food bowls and wagged their tails making me shake my head as I filed their bowls, "Wait."

The front door opened at that moment making Kaluah and Astro perk up before abandoning their food and I rolled my eyes. This happens every time Gio comes from after work.

"Yes, yes I missed you both as well, now come along," Gio said as the sound of his feet heading our way sounded along with the sound of nails scratching along the floor, "hello boys."

"Hi, papa!" Tanner and Aros greeted him while Asher and Gabriel gave him a small wave. He walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek making the boys giggle at the scene and I smiled.

"Hello, sweetheart," Gio greeted with a smile that I matched with one of my own.

"Hello," I replied, "go on and changed, we're about to eat dinner."


I jumped out of bed when I heard a terrified scream coming from down the hall. I rushed inside to see Gabriel tossing and turning in his bed as he screamed, tears rolling down his red face.

"Shh," I whispered from beside him. I knew the noise had woken his brothers as they sat on Aros' bed watching Gabriel. I swallowed the lump in my throat as my heart constricted in my chest. "You're okay, Gabe, shh, you're okay." I whispered gently wiping the sweat from his forehead and he whimpered as his tossing and turning stopped before he snuggled against my hand, "You're okay."

"Mama?" I looked down and he was staring up at me, his lip wobbled and I smiled leaning down the press a kiss to his forehead, "safe?"

"Yes, you're safe," I whispered, he sniffled as he held my hand before his eyes closed and his breathing evened out. I ran my fingers through his hair and he sighed. I remained in the room all night with Gio—who had walked in right after me to reassure the boys that their brother was okay.

The morning sun woke me up a few hours later along with the small body laying on me and I blinked my eyes and looked down to see Gabriel was laying on me with his hands gripping my shirt with his head under my chin. I smiled as I pressed a kiss to his head before laying him back on the bed and he whined but settled back down as I pulled the covers over him before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Kaluah and Astro were both sleeping at the foot of Gabriel's bed. I looked over to Aros' bed to see him being sandwiched between Asher and Tanner. I smiled before exiting the room and down the hall to mine and Gio's room. 

I washed up and changed into a pair of jeans and an oversized shirt before making my way down to the kitchen only to see my husband cooking.

"Morning," I greeted as I wrapped my arms around his waist and he lifted one of my hands and pressed a kiss against my knuckles.

"Morning angel," he replied, "how's Gabe?"

"Sleeping. I think he's coming to terms that he and Asher are safe here with us," I replied and he hummed as I pulled back before standing beside him to help him cook.

We didn't say anything after that and worked in comfortable silence before the boys made their way into the kitchen.

"Morning mama, daddy," all four greeted making Gio and I smile.

"Good morning boys."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now