67. Nico

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Whimpers and whines echoed through the room, stirring me from my deep slumber. As I groggily reached for the covers, Gio pulled me back down before getting out of bed himself. "Stay, I'll get her," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness and love. It's been a week since we brought our precious daughter home from the hospital, and ever since then, our once quiet house has become a lively haven of joy and chaos.

Tanner and Aros, our two oldest boys, were officially out of school for the summer. The news of their extended break had thrilled them to no end. They were eagerly looking forward to spending quality time with their new baby sister, as well as their younger siblings, Asher, Gabe and Gia. The thought of having all four brothers at home brought a sparkle to Gia's eyes, as she excitedly anticipated endless hours of playful mischief together. Of course, our mischievous squad wouldn't be complete without our four dogs, Kaluah, Astro, Bella, and Max.

Bella and Max joined our family shortly after we had been attacked at the Den back in early fall before we even knew we were pregnant with Valentina. They were not your typical addition to the family, but they brought a unique element of love and protection that we never knew we needed.

The addition of Bella and Max truly transformed our household. Their presence brought an extra dose of vitality and love that was contagious, making every corner of our home alive with their playful energy. Bella, always exuberant and eager, would bound around the house, her tail wagging furiously, as if reminding us all to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. Max, on the other hand, displayed a quiet wisdom beyond his years, always there to offer a reassuring lick or a sympathetic gaze.

As the days passed, our family dynamic blossomed even further. The bond between our children and the dogs grew stronger with each passing moment. Gia, being the youngest, found comfort and solace in the unconditional love Bella and Max provided. She would often share her innermost secrets with them, giggling with delight as they responded with a tilt of their heads or a playful nudge. Our boys, too, found solace in their furry companions, confiding in them when words failed to express their emotions.

Together, our family grew, not only in numbers but in spirit. We reveled in the laughter that echoed through our halls, the joy that filled our hearts with every wagging tail and sloppy canine kiss. The dogs became an integral part of our daily routines, joining us on family walks, camping trips, and even movie nights snuggled up on the couch. Bella and Max were not just pets; they were cherished members of our family, beloved confidants who held our secrets and offered unwavering support through life's ups and downs.

"There, there," I heard whisper as he held our baby once he had changed her diaper, "let's get you to mommy." It still felt surreal to think that this man, who's the leader of the biggest mafia families in the US, all overs in tattoos, be rough with his gang members and yet be this sweet loving and caring man who I love so much.

It's been nearly two years since I walked away from my old life back in the UK and since he walked into mine unexpectedly that day in the cafe that we frequently went to before we adopted the boys and had Gia and now Valentina.

Gio, with his dark eyes filled with warmth and his strong arms gently cradling Valentina, looked like a picture of serenity. The contrast between his dangerous world and the peacefulness he brought into our lives never ceased to amaze me. He had built an empire, a thriving business that commanded respect and fear, yet when he held our precious daughter, the power of his love consumed everything else.

As he walked back to our room, Valentina in his arms, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and overwhelming love for this man who had become the foundation of our family. We had faced challenges, both from the outside world and within our hearts, but through it all, we had built a bond that was unbreakable. Gio had shown me a different side of life, one filled with not only danger but also unwavering loyalty, fierce protectiveness, and a love that knew no bounds.

As I settled back into bed, Gio carefully placed Valentina beside me, her small hand reaching out and grasping my finger. In that moment, I knew that our family, with its lively chaos and unconditional love, was complete. And I couldn't imagine a more beautiful life than the one we had built together, where tenderness and strength intertwined in the arms of a mafia leader and the heart of a family.


A few hours later I woke to the sound of giggles and barks coming from down the hall and raised a brow. I looked at the time and saw it was barely 9 in the morning. The morning rays of the sun came through the small crack of the curtains illuminating the room with a soft glow. I looked over to see if the sound had woken Gio only to find his side of the bed empty. I looked at the crib and saw Valentina fast asleep. I smiled as I sat up and stretched before padding my wait to the en-suite bathroom to wash up before joining my family.

I checked on Valentina one more time, making sure to turn the baby monitor on, before heading down the hall towards the source of the noise. I blinked as I took in the sight before me. Gio stood as the stove with nothing but the gray pj pants he wore the night before. His back showed his impressive muscles as he flipped the pancake earning another round of cheers and giggles from all five of older kids. Tanner and Gabe awed while Asher and Aros threw their arms in the air as Gio placed a fluffy panics in each plate. Gia was happily munching away at her own panicked smears in syrup.

The scene before me was filled with love and joy. Our house was alive with the energy of our children and the dogs. The chaos was beautiful in its own way, a testament to the vibrant life we had built together. As I joined them at the table, Gio turned to me with a loving smile on his face.

"Good morning, Angel," he greeted with a smile as I walked up to him. He leaned down and pressed a tender kiss on my lips before we joined the boys. The aroma of pancakes filled the air, mixing with the sounds of laughter and the wagging of tails. In that moment, surrounded by the ones I loved most, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beautiful life we had created together.

"Good morning, mama!" The bous greeted with beaming smiles while my adorable one year old with her face covered in syrup  made grabby hands in my direction, and who was I to deny my baby anything. I grabbed her out of her high chair más walked to the sink to wash her hands and face before peppering her chubby cheeks with a kisses that earned me a wave of giggles that warmed my heart to the very core.

"So what's the plan for the day?"

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now