4. Gio

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"Boss?" I looked up at the sound of Vincent's voice to see him standing at the door

"What is it, Vinny?" I questioned setting the file I've been looking over down

"This was just delivered to you," he said as he walked in handing me an envelope making me raise a brow

"Did anyone say who sent it?" I asked but he shook his head

"Carlos said that a young man in a delivery uniform gave it to him before leaving," he answered and I nodded ripping the envelope and taking out the piece of paper. I clenched my jaw as I stared at the photo of the one and only Nico blindfolded with his hands and feet tied to a chair with small droplets of blood coating his chest. His head was down but I could tell the he was afraid by the way his muscles were tensed. And how did I know it was him? Well, you see the first moment I saw him, I noticed that he had a small built with little muscle on his body. He also had a small mole on his upper lip. Not only that but he also wore diamond studs on his ears. So I knew for a fact that the person that was tied and hurt was him.

You think you can take him from me? You're mistaken. Nicolas belongs to me. He's been mine since he was 8 years old and will always belong to me. You see those marks in his perfect body? I made them because he needs to learn that he can't run from me. These are his punishments. I'll kill him if he ever runs from me again, mark my words and you can't do anything about it. Oh, and by the way, there's another gift for you. Do enjoy it.

I crumbled the paper and flipped the envelope and a USB drive fell making me clench my jaw before connecting it to my laptop, pitting the headphones on before pressing play.

"You haven't changed at all since the last time I saw you even if it's been 5 months," the familiar voice of Patrick say as he grabbed Nico by the chin making him wince from the pain and I could feel my blood boil on my veins. How fucking dare he lay a hand on him! I will fucking kill him!

"Please let go" Nico whimpered as he tried to free himself from Patrick's grip but he only held on to his chin harder and I could see tears fill Nico's eyes as fear clouded them

"You have no fucking idea what you've caused me by running off the way you did five months ago, Nicolas. You really thought that I'd never find you, did you? Well you must be pretty stupid to have thought that because here I am and you will pay"

I narrowed my eyes as I continued to watch the video and the more it went on the more pissed if I became. I wanted nothing more than to find the bastard and rip him to shreds. The moment I heard him removing his clothes, I wanted nothing more than jump through the screen and kill him and protect Nico from what was about to happen. I clenched my jaw so hard that my teeth that I almost thought that they crack from the force.

"Stop please," Nico cried as Patrick began kissing his naked chest and I could see him shaking with tears rolling down his face as he tried to get Patrick off him but the asshole only grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head and continued his assault. My fist was clenched so tight that my knuckles turned white, "p-please"

"Shut up, this is your reward for leaving and costing me millions," Patrick snarled before he backhanded Nico on the cheek making the younger male whimper as Patrick tied his hands to the bedpost before pulling Nico's only source of cover, his boxers, off leaving him exposed. Even though I couldn't see the bastard's face due to his back facing the camera, I knew he was watching him with lust in his eyes.

"No, please, no" Nico began pleading as he shook his head but Patrick didn't listen and instead spread Nico's legs open before practically slamming into him making the young male scream in pain and I had enough, I slammed the screen cutting the video off and removing the headphones off before standing up.

"Boss?" Vincent called and I looked up at him, my jaw clenched, "Carlos already sent a few men to retrieve the delivery man and bring him back here for you to interrogate"

I couldn't say anything with how livid I was.

I wanted nothing more than to find that bastard and kill him for hurting Nico and thinking that he would get away with defying me when I told him to stay away from him. He will fucking regret ever crossing me when I find him. He's in for a big surprise when he gets a bullet between his eyes.


"I'M NOT GOING TO FUCKING REPEAT MYSELF, WHO FUCKING GAVE YOU THIS!?" I yelled at the delivery male three hours after receiving the envelope that held a photo of Nico bound to a chair with cuts on his body, the letter, and video that showed him getting raped by Patrick.

"I-I don't know. I swear. All I know was that I had to get it to you," he replied with fear in his eyes making me glare harder, "th-the guy who gave it to me didn't say who was sending it I swear"

"How did he look like?" Carlos asked before I could say anything making the young man look at him as tears began to stream down his face, "do you remember anything that may help us find the person who sent that? You see that person has the boss' fiancé and we're just trying to find him and bring him home safely"

I turned my back to them so I won't give away the blunt lie that one of my guards had just said.

"Or even where you went to get the envelope. Anything that you remember would be greatly appreciated," Cameron,my cousin and second in command, said and I could hear the delivery man swallow as his eyes landed on my back but still I didn't turn around because I knew myself enough to know that I would do something stupid that could cause us from finding and saving Nico.

"I-I couldn't really see the man that gave me the envelope si-since he was wearing a mask that co-covered his face but I remember seeing a scar on his right hand with a small anchor tattoo on his thumb knuckle with the word 'lone' on the rest of them" he replied and I frowned, lone? lone what?

"Did he say anything?" Cameron asked next

"Just to get the envelope here" The male replied

"What about the surroundings? Do you remember anything from where you met him?" This time Carlos asked and I turned around to face them with my arms crossed

"Um, I think the place where I met the guy was called Red Hook Grain Terminal in Red Hook, Brooklyn, it was abandoned in the '60s," he replied and I furrowed my brows, "My dad used to take me to all of these abandoned places when I was a kid so I remember the location and I found it strange that he'd want to meet there but didn't really question it since he was an intimidating man and I had a feeling that he'd kill me right then and there if I asked any questions so I just took the envelope and left, I swear that's all I know,"

"What's your name?" I asked making him look up and in my direction

"Mi-Milo," he stuttered and I nodded and leaned close to him making him stiffen at the proximity of our faces

"You better start praying that you're telling the truth, Milo, because if you're lying then you can kiss the sun goodbye for you'll be in a pool of your own blood do you understand me?" I asked making him widen his eyes before nodding his head

"I promise I'm not lying," he replied and I nodded moving away from him and turned to Carlos and Cameron

"Get the car ready,"

"Yes, Boss!" They replied before leaving the dungeon

"Start praying, Milo"

I walked out a second later leaving him alone on the cellar and I could hear him sobbing as he prayed.

I'm coming, Nico, hold on just a little longer, I promise he'll pay for hurting you.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now