19. Nico

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Dear Nico,

Where do I begin? I'm sorry doesn't seem enough. I failed not just your parents, but you as well. No words could ever begin to express the pain and sorrow I feel knowing that I left you when you needed me the most. I left you in the hands of a man that was everything your parents feared. He was a predator as well as a monster. A monster that destroyed your innocence.

There's never a day that I don't miss you or your parents. My life since their passing has been hard as I had to start from the ground up to be where I am today. Moving from the UK to the States has been the hardest decision I have ever made. I made that rash decision to leave the only home I knew. I left because I thought I had no one left that I cared for and I shouldn't have believed that bastard when he lied about you also perishing in that car accident with your parents.

I believed my life ended that day but the more I began to piece things together the more I was convinced that what he had told me were lies, I began to do my own investigation and learned that you were alive. I did all that I could to get you out of that place but every time I thought I won, Patrick came up with ways to deceive the judge and everyone else and I'd lose.

But I never gave up, I worked hard every day and night to get my chance at court again, but by the time I was given a chance, you were already an adult and no longer living in the UK. I paid a PI to find you but it seems as if you had been swallowed up by the earth as there was never a sighting of you or anything new. Not until I received a message from my secretary with your name on it.

I never thought that I'd ever see you again. I made a promise to your parents that I would take care of you, and I will keep that promise from this moment on. There is nothing in this world that means more to me than to see you happy, and I know that you and that young man, Gio, are together and though his reputation precedes him, he's taken a great liking to you.

Please forgive me, Nico, I never meant to leave you. I know that it'll take time for you to forgive me and know that I don't blame you for it is my fault for trusting the word of a corrupted judge and officer. I should've fought harder for you, harder to bring you home with me. I was supposed to raise you and help you through the grief of your parents' passing. I was supposed to give you the life your parents have always wanted you to have since you were born.

Nothing makes me happier than knowing that you achieved all of your goals, those same goals that your parents have always wanted you to achieve. I'm proud of the person you have grown to be, Nico. And I am looking forward to seeing you grow even more and achieving every goal you set for yourself. You have become everything your parents and I wanted you to be. I will always be here for you Nico, no matter what, you will always have me and my support.

Love always, Uncle Mickey.

I closed my eyes as the words from the letter flashed in my head. It's been so long since I last saw Uncle Mickey and I don't know how I'd react upon seeing him again. The last time I had seen him was when he stopped by the house to talk with Mom and Dad. Two days before we were in a car accident and the day they lost their lives. I don't remember much of that night all I remember was we were driving back home after my dance class when the car swerved and crashed into a railing. Then nothing. After that, my life was a shot hole until I ran away.

It's almost been a year since I left and a lot has happened since. Seeing Patrick again and getting kidnapped to being rescued by Gio, again, and I thank god every day for crossing paths with him and I know that I've had my moments where I don't wish to be around him but he never questions my motives and instead, he gives me the space that I need without me having to voice them. He's also always there for me when I'm having a bad day, always waiting for me to tell him how my day is.

"Why don't we get something to eat after you meet with Mr. Gray," Gio said breaking me out of my thoughts and to look over to him, we were currently driving to the academy to see Uncle Mickey, the man I haven't seen since I was 5 years old.

"I'd like that," I replied with a smile and he nodded

"Where would you like to go?" He asked and I tilted my head to think

"I don't know," I replied and he looked over with a raised making me grin, "I mean I'm good with eating anything,"

He shook he said with a smile as he continued driving down the street towards the academy.


I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat as I stood once front of the door that led to Uncle Mickey. To the man that had been part of my life since before I was born. The same man that has always been there for me whenever mama and papa had to go out of town for work. The one man that made me love dancing.

"Go on," Gio said from beside me with an encouraging smile, "I'll be right here beside you,"

I took a deep breath and raised my hand and knocked on the door. A few seconds later I heard footsteps approaching the door and I took a step back as the door knob twisted and a moment later it was pulled open. I held my breath as the door opened and raised my eyes towards the man that I haven't seen since I was five years old. I felt my eyes sting as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ni-Nico?" He stuttered my name and I nodded and I saw tears overflow his eyes before he pulled me into his arms and I closed my own as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "God I'm so sorry, so sorry Nico"

I never knew I needed those arms around me until I felt him holding me, the same way he always did whenever he came by the house to see my parents and I always met him at the door. He felt so familiar. Even his cologne hasn't changed from then either. It was still the scent of sandalwood and lavender. It was the scent of home. Of my parents. Of my past life. My life before my parents died. Before my life was flipped upside down in a blink of an eye.

And just like that, the water damn broke and I sobbed in his arms and all Uncle Mickey did was hold me tighter and there is no doubt that Gio wanted to comfort me but he didn't want to interfere with our reunion. A reunion that had taken so many years to happen.

"I-I" I stuttered not knowing what to say

"Me too," Uncle Mickey whispered before he gently pushed me away and wiped the tears staining my face, "God, look how much you've grown, Nico"

I gave him a watery smile that he returned before looking over at Gio, "Thank you,"

Gio looked surprised at being thanked so he could only nod, "I did what I could," he said and Uncle Mickey nodded

"Come on, lets talk in my office,"

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now