56. Gio

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May 13 2023 ( Gia is 4 months and 22 days old)

I clenched my jaw as I stared at the bastard behind the two way mirror. He was bruised from head to toe with blood covering the his injuries.

"You think your precious husband and adorable little children are safe?" He taunted as he stared at me even with the mirror in the way. I clenched my jaw at his words and he laughed.

"I wonder how much I'll get for each of your boys, oh and for your daughter too," he said as he cackled in the room before groaning as Axel and Carson both punched him. He chucked afterwards as he spat blood onto the metal table where his arms were cuffed too.

"I bet your husband will earn me a good buck too," he laughed as blood dribbled down his chin.

"I wonder how your wife would feel when she learns that her husband is child molester,"I replied through the intercom making him tense while Axel and Carson snickered at his reaction.

"Leave my wife out of this," he snarled but I chuckled before entering the room. I rolled up my blood stained sleeves to my elbows before closing the door behind me.

"Chain him to the wall," I ordered Axel and Carson who each grabbed the hooks from the wall before hooking them to cuffs that held him to table before pulling the chains so Kaito dangled in the air.

"You sure love to play with fire don't you Kaito?" I rhetorically asked him and he glared down at me since he was handing off the wall by the chains, "you should know by now that you don't threaten the Capo's family."

"You can do whatever the fuck you want to me but leave my wife and daughter out of this," he snarled making me chuckle and shake my head.

"See? That's not how I run things," I said as I walked towards the tool table from earlier, "you don't just threaten my family, Kaito." I dug the knife in my hand into his stomach making him gasp as blood began to run down his side where the injury was. "You don't just taunt me in selling my children and husband."

He screamed as I dug the knife in deeper. "Did you really think you were smart enough to go undetected when you decided to attack my property?"

He hissed as I pulled the knife out before bringing it back down on a new place on his battered body. He clenched his jaw but refused to let another scream out but that was alright with me. "Did you know this room had cameras installed to record everything that goes on in here so I could show my enemies what I'm capable of? And to show their loved ones the type of person they're related to?"

He stared at me with hatred in his eyes but I wasn't phased as I only smiled as I pulled the knife out and sat it down on the cart before moving away and sitting across from him and admiring my work.

"Carson?" I called to the male standing by the exit with Axel and he walked over.

"Boss?" He asked as he leaned down so I could whisper in his ear.

"Play the video message Kaito's wife sent in after his previous words." He nodded before walking away. "I have a little present for you, it's from Sammie."

"Don't speak her name," Kaito hissed as he tugged on the chains making them rattle and I chuckled.

"You'll love this one I promise."

"Hello Kaito," Sam said and I could hear the disgust and hatred in her voice which didn't go unnoticed by Kaito as he flinched making me smile in satisfaction at his pain. "Had I not watched the video Gio sent I wouldn't have believed you were that sick of a man." Kaito clenched his jaw as he looked away from the screen playing Sam's message. "Had I known the type of man you were I wouldn't have married you. And now it makes me wonder if you ever touched our daughter with the way you spoke of his children."

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